At least, I’ve been busy. Mostly. To be honest though, I haven’t posted in so long partially from laziness also. It’s not like I have anything new to pass on most of the time. Let’s see, the last time I did this was the 3rd. So…
Thursday: Mostly sunny & Warm; which I like. Spent most of the day at the property. Made meatloaf for dinner.
Friday: SWMBO took me to Red Lobster for endless shrimp. Was good. Walked around Sears afterwards looking for a weedwacker mower but wound up buying me a tool box. Then we went to COSTCO and bought some stuff and came on home. I made a trip to Home Depot for some thingsā¦
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Got Season 7 of Smallville in! Cool!
Saturday: Warm afternoon. At the property.
Sunday: Nice warm day. At the property. (Anyone else see a pattern here?)
Monday: Nice WARM day. Which I, again, spent at the property. Laid out in the sun and read for awhile. Moved some dirt. Loaded some wood into the back of the truck. Laid out and read some more. Came home. Was NICE!
Tuesday: Cloudy. Sunny. Warm. Which I spent at home today. Cool! Stayed in bed WAY too long this morning though. Got the woodshed ready for more wood and all the junk out. Cool!
Wednesday: Took Phillip & Matthew (friends of ours) out to the property to cut up some wood. Could bring only a truck full back. Phillip was so, uh, ungainly with the chainsaw that I did most of the cutting cause I was afraid he’d cut his leg off.
Thursday: Nice Hot Day. So I went out to the property and laid out in the sun and read for awhile. Brought a load of Phillips wood back with me. Made scetti for dinner
Friday: Had a 1000 meeting with Matt from Manke Lumber at the property so he could look at the pile of logs I have for sale. He was very effusive (is that the word I’m looking for?) in his compliments on my decision to cut the logs at the 40’ mark. Said he’d send me the handout of log rices and such (which I still haven’t seen) and maybe set up a pickup time for next Monday. Still haven’t heard from him. But that has shot my plans to rent a splitter Monday and split that pile of wood I have outside. After the meeting I came on back home and picked up SWMBO and we went to breakfast at FHP in Port Orchard. Then to COSTCO where we spent way too much money on "stuff." $153! Phew!
Today was another HOT day. I love it! And as usual I spent most of the day at the property moving rocks and dirt around. Added another log to the pile of logs for Manke. Laid out and read for awhile. When I came back I brought the last of the wood Phillip & I cut the other day and dropped it off at his house. Just been lounging around the house. Well, after making dinner. Folding some laundry. Burning some dvd’s.
And that’s it. Ain’t my life exciting!?! Hopefully, a thousand years from now some anthropologist will stumble on these old blogs (Blogs? What the hell’s a Blog?) and decipher them and publish them under the heading of "21st Century Man. It’s A Wonder He Didn’t Commit Suicide His Life Was So NORMAL." and make a zillion of their bucks and spend the rest of his/her life just ’chillin’.