Even though SWMBO is in Oregon, Ohio visiting her folks and doing genealogy research.
Got up at 0500 last Friday so I could get some sleep earlier Friday night before getting up at 0230 Saturday to be out of the house by 0300 to take SWMBO to Seatac Airport for her 0630 flight. We went out to breakfast at FPH and ate with a couple of her friends from work. Was nice.
The trip to Seatac was okay; at least there wasn’t much traffic between 0300 & 0530 when I got back home. Would have gone back to bed except that I had to pick up Grapes & Apples at 0800 over in east Bremerton. About 0700 it was either get out of the house or go back to sleep; so I took off. Was way early to do the pickup!
Did get over to my friends house and downloaded Fringe, Supernatural & Smallville. Was way tired when I got home to stay. Stayed up late though. Guess it’s way strange not to have SWMBO in the house.
Spent most of Sunday & Monday plucking grapes off the vine and boiling them down. Did the gross filtering but need to get to the store to buy some cheese cloth for the fine stuff. After doing all this by myself I’m not sure that making my own grape concentrate is worth it. It’s MUCH easier to drop by the store and get a half gallon of grape juice. But, it’s still good practice for when I have to do it.
Did manage to take another friend, Philip, to COSTCO and stopped by Home Depot and bought 3 sheets of cabinet grade plywood ($107!) to start either book shelves for the living room or a headboard for our bed. Will figure out which later. Also stopped by Fred Meyer’s and bought a fruit/vegetable strainer for my mixer. $44 for the damned thing.
I say "damned" thing because I hooked it all up as per the directions that came with it and it seemed to be working fine then, it stopped up and, before I could turn my mixer off, completely stopped the rotating thingie and overheated the motor. I’m talking maybe 3 seconds. Burst out a portion of the strainer and now my mixer makes a slight grinding noise when I turn it on. Damn, I hate things that don’t work right!
And that’s about all that’s going on around here. Weather is getting worse; supposed to have high winds and rain starting this afternoon lasting a couple of days. I’m all caught up on Smallville, Supernatural, Fringe and NCIS. Been watching "TV" on my laptop; the screen on my desk is the same size as the tv across the room and I’m thinking it may use less power. Plus I can do other things while watching shows.
I don’t know why I can’t do one thing at a time. Gotta go finish filtering the grape juice then water-bath can it. Oh, fun!