Happy New Year Everybody!

SWMBO and I are staying home, as usual. We’d rather not chance getting creamed by a drunk driver on the way home. Besides, there really isn’t anyone else I’d rather celebrate with anyway… Smile

Not much going on around here. Finally not too wet outside but way too cold for me to get out much. Poop Dog and I have been going for our walks but not staying out much. Heard it may snow some Thursday…

Spent the day mostly on the computer with a short foray into dishes and laundry. So exciting! Started using GNUCash to keep track of my meager finances. Moving things around on my hard drives. FSX for awhile. Watched the news. Joined Tumblr to just try it out and see what it does. (So far it looks like another Twitter thingie.) Listened to my radio some but didn’t make any contacts.


Still not getting any serious questions about the RV, my Digger or the MIL Apartment. I figure everybody has spent all the money they can for the Merry HallowThanksMasYear season and are too broke for anything else. I know we are!

Things are starting to get a bit tight financially for us lately. SWMBO is doing what she can with this company she’s contracting with and I’m still looking for work. Selling the Digger would do a world of good for us right now. Getting out from under that RV would also even though we owe less than $3k on it. Selling the dump truck is more a convenience thing than anything else. Sure, the grand could come in plenty handy; but the thing is paid off and it doesn’t cost anything to let it sit where it is. Smile


Trying to lock down this site so it doesn’t get hacked again. Installed a couple of plugins that are supposed to make it harder for the hackers. Getting tired of the spammers and have decided to post their e-mail addresses hoping that some spambot will pick them up and send them spam. Of course, most of the e-mail addresses are bogus but maybe the spammers will send a million e-mails to a bogus address. Tie up their systems for awhile.

Anywho, that’s about it from WaRshington. Another cold and cloudy New Years Eve Although I did get out on the deck very early this morning and got to look at some of the stars for a minute or two. Nice!

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