Still A Pretty Much SSDD Week…

Around here. Really, the only thing “notable” that’s happened around here is my neighbor’s asshole kids rode their dirt bikes  around my property and screwed up my walking trails. Again. I’ll tell you; I’m really beginning to believe that a good fence makes good neighbors. They would NOT like a fence cause I’d take back that small section of my property that they (and their friends) sometimes park on. I really only have to give them a driveway to and from their house. Ah well. I’m just pissed right now. They have some of the mouthiest kids I’ve ever heard. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions and will lie their asses off. Wish they’d move.

James King (Dad)

Still haven’t sold my digger or dump truck NOR have we rented the MILA. Things is getting’ tight. Not desperate as we still have our Navy Retirement checks coming in to make the house payment. But we may find out what it’s like living here without electricity & phone! Smile (Just kidding. It ain’t that bad, yet.)


Got ribs on the BBQ for dinner tonight. Think I’ll make some mashed taters and veggies to go with them.

Scanned all those pictures and now am getting them organized. Made a directory for each person and just bulk moved their pictures into them. Now comes trying to organize them by age/place. Just my directory has 19 sub-directory’s for young, teen & each duty station of my Navy career! Then there might be 1 or several sub-directory’s under those for different things. Phew!


All my pictures will eventually be posted either on my Gallery or Google+; or someplace where the whole family can see them if they want. Would that they would do the same!!

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