Pretty Normal Sunday For Us…

Even though it was Mother’s Day, SWMBO volunteered to broil steak the way she likes them broiled. Add baked potato’s and succotash (lima beans and corn) and it was a meal to remember! She does pretty good most times! Smile

Damnation Alley

Not doing much else today. Lot’s cooler and sometimes wet out so the dog and I went for only one walk. Tried “flying” but have a prop problem with the Drone. (Replaced one of the gear thingies and now it will suddenly stop and fall from the sky. I have NO idea what the problem is. Yet!)


Been watching “The Universe” and working on the pictures I’ve scanned trying to straighten them up into some kind of order. Re-arranged the SkyDrive albums a bit. I’m using SkyDrive as a backup that anyone can see (link at right) just in case someone needs to comment on a picture or can name someone I have in the wrong place. I don’t expect anyone to do either; but one can always hope.

Memphis Belle

MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930 again. I have mixed feelings about being Net Control for this net every week. I enjoy doing it, but, sometimes I’d rather be doing something else. We had a lot of problems with the repeater last week… And we had those same problems this week! And only 3 of the guys checked in. I don’t blame them though; what with the repeater acting so weird. Ah well. We’ll be replacing the antenna soon and then we’ll see what’s what.

Two more hack attempts this evening. Russia & Argentina. Thanks, DipShidiots!

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