Even though it was Mother’s Day, SWMBO volunteered to broil steak the way she likes them broiled. Add baked potato’s and succotash (lima beans and corn) and it was a meal to remember! She does pretty good most times!
Not doing much else today. Lot’s cooler and sometimes wet out so the dog and I went for only one walk. Tried “flying” but have a prop problem with the Drone. (Replaced one of the gear thingies and now it will suddenly stop and fall from the sky. I have NO idea what the problem is. Yet!)
Been watching “The Universe” and working on the pictures I’ve scanned trying to straighten them up into some kind of order. Re-arranged the SkyDrive albums a bit. I’m using SkyDrive as a backup that anyone can see (link at right) just in case someone needs to comment on a picture or can name someone I have in the wrong place. I don’t expect anyone to do either; but one can always hope.
MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930 again. I have mixed feelings about being Net Control for this net every week. I enjoy doing it, but, sometimes I’d rather be doing something else. We had a lot of problems with the repeater last week… And we had those same problems this week! And only 3 of the guys checked in. I don’t blame them though; what with the repeater acting so weird. Ah well. We’ll be replacing the antenna soon and then we’ll see what’s what.
Two more hack attempts this evening. Russia & Argentina. Thanks, DipShidiots!