Well, It Seemed Rather Busy Mostly..

Even if I did sit on my old fat ass most of the day. Except when the Dog and I went for a walk. Watered the garden cause it wasn’t raining on them enough. Made another short flight (way too windy for it) and quit only when I hit the side of the garage. The INSIDE of the garage. Don’t ask.

MCARC 2-meter net went well; even though I had a real hard time hearing anyone cause the damned repeater is still messed up. Listened to the radio most of the day in the background. 15-meters was particularly busy it seemed. Heard people from all over the place!

Fashion Show Sinners in the Sun_bathing_suit

Not much else going on. Uploaded a shit-load of pictures to Flickr and worked on getting them straightened out. Learning curve there. (But not much of one.) Went through and tried to upload only the “interesting” pictures from the past 15 years or so. I’ll get to the “mundane” pictures later.

Also started straightening up the pictures I have on my SkyDrive (link at right). Updated all the apps on my Nexus 7 and reinstalled some things so it’s working like I want it to work. (I Love This Thing!) So I can now read/post to everything I belong to online from the Nexus 7. Cool! Now if someone would only invent something that would keep the screen from smearing with greasy fingerprints.


SWMBO went and got “Chinese” at Safeway for dinner. I re-washed everything that’s been sitting in the “to iron” basket for the past 3 years, put it all back into the basket and gave it to SWMBO to put in her room. (I have nothing in that basket. All my stuff is hung up or otherwise where it should be.)

It’s about time to check eztv.it and see what’s up.

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