Another Nice SSDD Around Here!

Meaning I just haven’t done much of anything. Went for a walk. Watered the Garden. Straightened up around the house. Made Parmesan Chicken, Taters & Mixed Veggies for dinner. Dishes. See, pretty much SSDD.

Annex - Doran, Ann (IT, The Terror From Beyond Space)_NRFPT_01

Worked on our wireless network so (hopefully) no one just passing by can log in and download shit. Turned off broadcasting the other three networks the modem is set up with. And turned on MAC authorization on those networks. So, hopefully, no one just driving by (or neighbors) will be able to see, much less log into, our networks. Hopefully.


Just not much going on. SWMBO is waiting for a friend to come over so they can do Genealogy stuff. I have “Independence Day” playing in the background. (Haven’t watched it in awhile. I still like it.) The Animals are being their usual lazy selves.

Boring! But that’s the life of your “average” American. Work. Eat. Clean. Watch TV. Go to bed. Maybe read awhile before dropping off to sleep. (Or make-out!?!)


Dang! Forgot to post this last nigh. Again! I’d swear my Memory is completely shot sometimes! Think I got distracted cause SWMBO came and watched a movie with me and threw my “routine” off.

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