Oh, Joy! Had to make a run to ACE for a countersink. Cost almost $8 and the damned thing broke drilling the 2nd hole! I really wasn’t applying much pressure either. Be hard to prove for a refund though. Well, the countersink part still works so I’ll have to drill a hole with one of my other drill bits then countersink it.
It’s kinda hard matching up the whole edges of the cabinets.
And that’s pretty much what I did today. Did get the once cabinet (that’s going to hold the microwave & toaster) cut and put in place. Put the wall back in and nailed it down.
Oh, had to make another run to ACE for a 2ft x 1.5” x 7/16” board that I forgot to get the first time. So I decided to try the $5 lunch at DQ. Chili Dog, Fries, Soda, and sundae. Not bad.
And that’s about it. SWMBO is home safe and eating her dinner. I’m finishing up a few things before going to lay down and read a bit.