Just as it was meant to be! Too darned cold to go outside much (high of 28 here today) and really not much I felt like doing even if I had gotten outside for awhile. Could have gotten off my ass and fixed up the wind damage to the garden; but the garden can wait until about Spring as far as that goes.
So, I just did my usual Sunday routine: laundry, sweeping and straightening up around the house. Kicked the cat off the bed so I could make it. That sort of stuff.
Moved a desk in the living room to another corner and put the NAS’, modem and security camera on it so everything is in one place. Need to vacuum but just don’t feel like doing it today.
SWMBIO made cheese & spinach filled ravioli with kielbasa for dinner. Was tasty; if you like ravioli Which I don’t really. She does so that’s okay to have for dinner every so often. About as often as we have corned beef and cabbage would be enough for me.
Not much else going on. The MCARC Sunday evening 2-meter chat net went well. Had 6 check ins. That’s about par for the course. Repeater seems to be working well in this cold weather. Of course, this being the state of Warshington, we will get the chance to see how it works in warmer, but way wetter, weather. Probably next week!
And that should pretty much be our Wx week. Baring the sudden, totally unexpected, heavy snow. Neutral year, you know.