Fairly Normal Friday. Around Here…

Anyway. Lots cooler Wx wise today, so I’ve spent most of my time in the MILA taping things off. Mostly done. Just have part of the floor to do then I can paint. Gotta go get some more painter’s tape though. I’ll probably wait until I go to pick SWMBO up this evening to get it; which means that I won’t get that stuff done until tomorrow. Looks like I’m painting Saturday (and maybe Sunday).


And that’s pretty much my day so far. Let’s go from here.

Made some e-pub files of my posts from 2007 through 2014 (so far) and have been playing with those. Of course, I can think of NO ONE that would be interested in reading my old posts. But it’s fun to play with. Sides, I can convert other things to e-pub and put them on my Nexus 7 to read wherever I want.


Lets see: I’m watching the News on my little tv, Pacific Rim on one monitor, listening to & recording internet radio with StreamWriter, filling in this blog, and converting some of my movies in the background. But I got most of the taping off done in the MILA. Will be painting tomorrow. Pretty sure.


Anywho, it’s much later now and we’ve just gotten home. Uneventful trip to and from picking SWMBO up. Really didn’t do much this afternoon but work in the MILA. Almost done there with the taping things off. Will at least start the painting tomorrow.

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