And It’s Starting To Rain Again.

Busy day for all it was Sunday. All my usual chores plus scanning SWMBO’s Genealogical Helpers, moving Computers around, and generally straightening up so her Visiting Teachers wouldn’t be too grossed out when visiting teaching her.


Finally swapped my radio desktop computer for the laptop. Once Windows downloaded and installed the driver for the new cable, the radio came right up. I’ve rebooted 5 times and it comes up every time. Cool! Then I had to import all the contacts I’ve made on the desktop to the database on the laptop. Not hard. Then I attached a monitor so I can put HRD up on one and work on the other. Cool Again.

All this while the sun has been peeking out at us and it got up to 66 degrees so I’ve also been going outside when the sun shines just to soak up a little bit more of that Vitamin D. I already miss summer!

The Movie Did Too Have Some Good Parts!

Installed Ubuntu Media <something> as a virtual machine on “my: computer and have been playing with that. Haven’t been able to make it see my NAS’ or any of the network even though it connects to the Internet okay. But I’ve mostly just been starting different programs to see what they look like and do. I’m still going to switch to Linux when I find I can do everything in Linux as easily as I can in Windows 7.

SWMBO made dinner after her Visiting Teachers left. Spaghetti using some of the Thrive hamburger and other stuff. It was good.


And that’s about it. Been listening to the radio. Laptop is working great. MCARC 2-meter Chat Net in about an hour. Then I’m going to make myself some popcorn and watch the latest Doctor Who before bedtime.

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