Pretty Much An SSDD Sunday

Just not a lot going on. And, I admit, I kinda, sorta, got caught up in a Doctor Who (Season 04) marathon for most of the day. Just felt like it.

I Miss River Song

Did get my regular chores & (most of the) laundry done. Sun came out and me and the Dog went for a tour of the back 40. Moved my other two antenna’s from one side of the house to the other and go those hooked up to the radio and the tuner.


Made dinner (Chicken Enchilada’s and steamed cauliflower) for the Missionary’s. They seemed to enjoy it. More importantly, SWMBO seemed to enjoy it. Wasn’t much to send home with them but they got to take it anyway.


Now I’m just kinda, sorta, waiting around until time for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net. (The highly informal version.) Dishes are getting washed and the last load of laundry is in the dryer.

Well, the Net went well. Only 5 check-ins but it’s the last weekend shopping day before Christmas so I was kind of half way expecting a light turnout. But it went good.

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