Had a few real Downpours but no thunder or lightning (that I saw). It was really coming down though! Unhooked the antenna’s from my radio “just in case.”
Went to ACE Hardware and picked up a couple of L-brackets. Took about an hour to turn one of them into an antenna mount. Looks good and holds the antenna firmly. Drilling the hole bigger, then going at it with a metal file, was NOT an easy job. But it was fun. (Nice to get off my fat, old, ass and get something done too!)
Talked to my friend in Vista, CA on 20-meters at 1515 for a few minutes. I just don’t have enough going on to have an extended conversation. Funny that a guy (me) that doesn’t like to talk much (over the air) gets into a hobby where that is what you do.
Not much else going on. Watched a couple of old Sci-Fi movies on YouTube then started “Day of the Triffids” from the Movie Drive. SWMBO got home safe then she and her son went back to Safeway for some mac-n-cheese.
Looks like I’m going to continue the “No Real Post Today” line of posts.