Cause I got tired of being lazy. Yeah, Lazy. I got up at 0530 but really didn’t get my day started until around Noon. Yeah, Noon! What The Hell!?! Basically, I didn’t do shit. Which really is unusual for me.
So, after I did my chores I looked up the plans for the 3-element Yagi antenna for 2-meters, went and got the parts (that was $14!), came home and assembled it. Haven’t actually soldered anything yet; I wanted to see if it actually worked or not first. Especially since I absolutely suck at soldering. But I did get it together according to specs and it seems to work.
AE7VG heard me trying to make a radio check and came back to me with a good signal report. Still a bit of scratchiness on this end, but apparently it transmits good. I really haven’t had any problems with transmitting; everyone always says I have a great signal. My problem is that most everyone is scratchy listening to them. Anyway, she did a couple of 10 counts for me so I could turn the antenna to the clearest signal. It does sound better than my other antenna; but it’s close. And not having an SWR meter for 2-meters is kind of a bummer. Radio seems okay.
Not much else going on really. Made myself some BBQ Pulled-Pork and bakes for dinner. Had one of the snickerdoodle cookies. Listening to the chatter on different repeaters and just chillin’. No Nets or anything on Monday’s. Think I’ll “play” on 40-meters for awhile tonight. Need to call and refill my meds. Oh, Joy.
I think it’s Popcorn time!