Wednesday? Already? I’m NOT Ready!

Got off my fat, old, ass and got the upper-front yard mowed. Thank goodness for having a rider-mower! Moved enough  tires from the garden that I have only 3 left to move. Took a tour of the back 40. Found some black berries that are not drying out too much to eat.


Re-started working on those Manor Stone I put around a couple of the trees in the upper-front yard. Who would have thought that I’d have so much trouble making a circle of stone!? I mean, it’s just a damned circle! But, perseverance, continued toil, and just plain stubbornness finally saw me give the hell up for the afternoon. I’m one of those that can’t accomplish anything when frustrated. So I’ll step back awhile.

The rest of the day was pretty much how my days go around here. Only “strange” thing was the Sheriff drove down our road and back. No idea what they were looking for. Maybe that old fat guy working naked in his yard?

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