I Admit It. SSDD Wednesday. Again.

Except we have had periods of sprinkles mixed in with the abject boredom present in all my “usual” daily activities and chores. But, don’t get me started!


Set up, and have running in the background, a “River Song” Marathon. Got all my chores done. Ate lunch. Listening to the noon-time Net on 7.268.5 on the 857d and whatever comes up while scanning on the 144/440 radio. All the while “straightening up” stuff on my hard drives and creating a new .gif file for the header on my web page.


Oooooh, Sun Came Out. I’ll Be Back. (Ah, that was nice. Didn’t last long; but was nice while it did.)

Wow, Chile is getting a swarm of earthquakes tonight!

Not much else going on. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. And longer than usual. After, a couple of us met on 6-meters (50.135) to see if we could. My First 6-meter contact! Woo Woo! Worked well and my big tuner handles 6-meters. Double Woo Woo! Maybe, now that I know it works, I’ll listen in more often.

Screenshot 2015-03-21 08.29.28

Anywho, that really is it. This old guy is going to go lay down and read awhile before nodding off to sleep.

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