Not A Happy Camper With Amazon

So, on 07 Nov I order that D-Link Systems ShareCenter and get an order confirmation with delivery date of 13 Nov. Not too shabby. Thursday, 12 Nov comes around and I go online to track the package. The green line thingie is almost all the way across the page and says it’ll be delivered by 2000 hrs Friday 13 Nov. Cool! Really looking forward to getting it.

Despicable Me (2010)(HD)-7

Get up this morning and have an e-mail from Amazon saying that there’s been a “problem” and delivery won’t be until Mid to late December. What? According to the tracking website it was almost here. Did it just get up and walk off during the night? Did the UPS guy decide that he wanted it more than I? What kind of problem could come up with the thing on a truck and almost here (according to their tracking site)?

So, no, I am not a happy camper with Amazon right now. I keep hoping it’s just a Friday the 13th bad joke; but, somehow, I doubt it.


Not a whole lot going on. Still really raining out. Really raining out. At lest we haven’t gotten the high winds (yet) that were predicted. I’m thinking we’re going to get lowland snow the first part of December; but couldn’t tell you why I feel that way. Not that I have a whole lot of experience predicting weather anyway.

Oh, cool. Just got an e-mail from Amazon saying my review can’t be posted. Didn’t follow their “guidelines.” And their link to submit feedback seems to work only for things you’ve bought. Actually can’t find anyplace to review Amazon itself. Which figures. (And, yes, I’m old and maybe just can’t find it.)


AND I just got a text that SWMBO’s Son was in an accident (in her car) in Port Orchard. He rear-ended someone. Oh, Joy! He’s having it towed here though so at least I don’t have to get out in the rain and traffic to pick him up. (Suppose I ought to be grateful he wasn’t hurt.) Nope. Not angry. Getting angry wouldn’t accomplish anything but make for some bad feelings all around. Long as he pays for the repairs (and towing!) I’m cool. (Maybe this’ll force him to look for a higher paying job!)

Well, he got SWMBO’s car towed to the house. Front end is a bit banged up. It should still run but the electronic crash detector thingie won’t let it start until a mechanic resets it. That’s his problem.

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