There Is Just No Way To Catch Up!

Been busy or had a headache these past few days. Couple of days ago the headache was a real pounder and I didn’t get anything done. Damned if it didn’t wake me a couple of times during the night. Missed the Extra Class class again too.


Working on the new NAS. Got all our movies, music, pictures, and most of the TV Shows copied to it. Even copied our electronic “library” (epub files) so those are centrally located now. Printer plugged in and works just fine. (For those times we actually print something. Not often but we occasionally do.) Got SWMBO all set up with a mapped drive to each of the main directories so all she has to do is click and watch. Once she figures out what she wants to watch, that is.


Been raining a lot the past few days also. I’ve been picking SWMBO up at the ferry landing around 1950 (she’s managed some overtime) and driving there and back has been “fun.” Way wet. Foggy a lot of time. But at least it isn’t as cold as it has been. Pretty much stuck inside though. Which sucks.

Been spending way too much time on Tumblr, G+, and Facebook and not getting the reading done that I want to do. I love reading. Miss it. There’s nothing like taking up a book and getting lost somewhere for a few hours. So I’ve started reading (for pleasure) again. It’s nice.


That being said; I think it’s time for a “Red Dwarf” marathon.

So the Dog and I took a tour of the back 40. Still wet. Couple of broken off tree branches that I need to pull down before they fall on somebody’s head in the next breeze. Otherwise not a lot of damage so far this winter. Except for that one tree (well, half tree) down. Cool!

Well, picked SWMBO up and we be home. Think I’ll pay some attention to her for awhile.

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