Yesterday or today. Just, mostly, SSDD. Sun came out awhile yesterday; a bit more today. But it wasn’t warm or anything. Not with that breeze blowing. Nice enough to take the Dog for a walk around the back of the property; but just barely.
The 2-meter/70 cm antenna I ordered did come in today. And it took me all of an hour to get it up and running. Had to use that length of really thick coax I have cause all my other cables have one of the connectors cut off (for various other antenna projects). Thought I’d have to go and buy a new cable but found the thick one.
Works pretty good, but I don’t think it works any better than the old one with the Club repeater. Maybe there are just too many trees and mountains in the way and I’m not going to get a great signal ever. Unless I get a really tall tower or something. But this one works with other repeaters just fine so I’ll stick with it until it wears out. Which will probably be never.
Like I said, the sun was out a bit more today and I did get to spend some time outside. That was okay while I was doing things but that didn’t last too long. So I pretty much “wasted” the day reading “Alas, Babylon” for the umpteenth time. Still a good book.
Anywho, the love of my life is home and I’m gonna spend some time with her before bedtime.