Another 90+ Day! Cool!

Creature1bOf course, it was pretty much our usual Sunday around here. SWMBO made BLT’s & tater salad for dinner. I got my usual chores done and laundry started. Didn’t really spend a lot of time outside. Couple of walks. Sitting out in the shade for awhile. Really a lazy Sunday.


SWMBO found my Brother, George, on Find-A-Grave. He died back in 2010. Not surprised to find that he’d died; just surprised he lasted until 2010. I’ve just been going with the assumption that he died sometime back in the 90’s from either drugs or alcohol. That leaves me and my Sister …


Got to doing some searching online and found a picture of George’s headstone. Well, bronze-looking plaque. That pretty much sums up where we’ll all wind up.


The MCARC Sunday Evening Chat Net went well and I got a pretty good signal report.

And that is pretty much it for today. I kinda sorta hope it does cool down a bit before bedtime. I like my days hot and sunny; but the nights should be dark and cooler.

I’m picky that way.

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