That Was Unusual. And Weird.

Last night. I was going to plug my batteries for my Vape thingie in Picked up the USB cable that was plugged into my computer. Something burned me. Looked at the end of the USB cable and saw smoke. Then a spark. Got burned again. So I quickly unplugged the thing. Weird. Luckily, my computer seems to be working okay.

From X-Plane 10

Yesterday was our usual Saturday Date Day. SWMBO took me to Sister’s in Shelton where I had my usual chili-burger (she had a BLT). Afterwards we made our usual run to Walmart (where I bought 2 blu-ray movies I already had even though I checked my list on my phone. What a dork!).

Tis11Once we got home SWMBO had homework and a test (which she passed with a 86%!) and I just kind of messed around on the computer as usual. Finally watched “Jack Reacher.” Liked it.

Today was a fairly normal Sunday; except that SWMBO stayed home since it’s Conference weekend. So we took the Dog for a couple of walks and played outside for a bit. Was fairly nice out there this afternoon. Almost warm enough to just sit out in the Sun. Which I did for a few minutes anyway.

SWMBO made most of dinner and I grilled steaks. Was yummy. And it only sprinkled a little bit while I was out there cooking!

I’ve been playing with X-Plane 11 Demo. They really need to let one play about 15 minutes longer than they do. Looks good and the “final” version has been released. Soon as it’s available on DVD I’ll order myself a copy.

The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. More people are checking in.

And that’s it. I’m gonna go lay down and read. Or see who else I can piss off on FB or Tumblr. Not sure which yet. Gotta lay down first.

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