Unfortunately, SWMBO was sick with a cold. She got to stay in bed all day; but it wasn’t the good kind of stay in bed all day like she usually likes. Poor Baby. I made myself a nuke-ro-wave Lasagna for dinner so she didn’t have to worry about that. Would have made dinner for her but she really wasn’t hungry. Or just didn’t feel like eating. Hope she gets better!
Not a whole lot else going on for this Mothers Day. Been trying to post a video saying “Happy Mother’s Day” to my step-mom but am having a hell of a time uploading it to facebook. Been trying over an hour now. Even rebooted my router and tablet “just in case.”
Dog and I spent some time outside throwing his balls around. You have to use two. When he runs and gets one I brandish the other which makes him bring the first ball back and drop it at my feet when he jumps to the the other one. That’s the way we have to play “fetch.”
Was mostly kinda nice out there today. Really cloudy but not much raining. Couple of walks, some gardening, mowed the front-back yard and the trail (and part of the front yard) cause they needed mowing.
All my usual chores are done except laundry; and that’s one load away from being done. Started pulling things together for my trip to Texas. Figure I’ll mount my 857d in the truck Thursday after all the weekly nets. Cleaned out my toolbox so I can lock things up in it if I need to.
The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. Not too many check-ins but was interesting anyway. I’m still scratchy. I think it’s just where I live.
Anywho, that’s really about it for today. I lead a really boring life. Prefer it that way most of the time.