Friday was, well, Friday. Nothing special about it. More average than usual I’d have to say. Left knee started feeling like it’s swollen and it’s hard to get up; but I’m getting OLD. Gonna be 65 by the end of the month. 65. Whodathunk?
Oh, I did put the blades on the weed-whacker and get out after some areas of those Salmon Berry (?) bushes that’s trying to take over the property. Both fun and satisfying.
Saturday, my lovely young bride of 30+ years took me to “El Sombrero” over in Port Orchard for our dinner date. Yummy. Stuffed! Made our usual stop at Walmart. Found every “Planet Of The Apes” movie (except that terrible remake from 2001) on blu-ray for just less than $40. Cool!
Been kind of a lazy Sunday; except for my usual laundry and other stuff I do on Sunday. SWMBO made dinner. I made cinnamon rolls.
Scanned some more of our books into the database. Moved and tried to consolidate family pictures on my drives. (Too many copies in too many places. Making a working drive and a back-up drive and that’s going to be it.)
Funny that out of the hundred’s of paperback books we have on our shelves, there are only about 40 that could be considered just mine. SWMBO and I read pretty much the same things until she gets into Magic or Fantasy stuff. We must have every Star Trek book written. And most of Star Wars.
Anywho, that’s about it. Past my bedtime and I feel a read coming on.