And the only excuse I have is that it’s Summertime and I get busy doing outside things until late. Mostly.
Take last Sunday. (Please!) Mowed the back yards. Did some whack weeding in the other yards. The gardening. Spent a couple of hours pressure washing the roof. Got to help SWMBO make dinner. Did NOT feel like starting up the Windows VM and posting.
Rest of this week has been about the same. Except Thursday cause it kind of misty rained most all day. Still taking the Dog for a couple (or more) walks during the day. Everyday.
Am paying our Renter to finish pressure washing the roof. SWMBO kinda sorta doesn’t like me up there. Thinks I’m getting too old. (I am. But no one tell her I said so!) I guess my climbing on the roof days are numbered now.
Did manage to get to the NMARESC meeting at the Library last night. Nice meeting. Inspired me to pull out my SDR dongle thingie and see if I can get it to running. Needs a better antenna though.
New Camera is working fine. Still learning it. You can check out my progress here. Don’t mind the mess.
Been on a “Justified” binge lately too. Like the show. Sometimes reminds me of “home” though.
Anywho, got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. We home. She’s fed and off doing her thing. Think I’m gonna go read a bit.