And not only when I walk. Been over a month now and I’m starting to get kinda tired of it. I’m even having to use a cane sometimes! Crap! Yeah, it’s probably Plantar Fasciitis, and, “Plantar fasciitis normally goes away on its own after a few months. Resting and taking over-the-counter pain meds can help reduce swelling and make you more comfortable. But call your doctor about your condition if it doesn’t improve, or if you notice redness or bruising on your heel.” So I may be in this for the long haul. All because I’m Old and Fat!
SWMBO was off work yesterday for a Dental appointment. We had our annual appointment with Ed Jones (but not Ed) early and made a short shopping trip to Safeway. She joined the ladies at church to set up for their quilting thingie tonight. I made us chili-dogs and fries for dinner. Was a nice day.
Today I made a trip to Home Depot in Silverdale for a work light. Got a bright LED one for $40. Stopped for a to-go meal at Mickie D’s and drove home the back way through Seabeck and Duwatto area. Was nice out! Still kinda cool but sunny and really kind of nice.
Dog was glad to see me when I got home! He always is though. Took him for a walk around the back-40 and threw the ball around for him for awhile. He likes it when I bounce it off the roof and he doesn’t quite know where it’ll bounce.
Other than that: Not a whole lot going on. Playing with that PL-380 Shortwave radio I got some time ago. Hooked a wire to the long-wire dipole I have and managed to tune in more programs. Cool!
And that’s really it. SWMBO is home and it’s about this old guy’s bedtime.