Fucking Canary never knew what hit it!
I don’t really have anything. Found out the other day that I had some Rx’s at the Naval Hospital Pharmacy that I needed to pick up. Timely since I had just run out of the main medication I use. (The one that slows my heart down and allows it to beat. I like that one!) So, made a trip to the pharmacy and got in and out in under an hour and a half. Not bad! Must have been a slow day for them. Plus I got there at 0800.
Not a lot going on around here. SSDD mostly. Wx is up and down. Mater’s still coming in (can’t ear them fast enough). Dog’s still doggin’. SWMBO ate that one gigantic freakin’ beet I grew for her. Didn’t hear her retching so I guess she liked it.
Friend came over and we messed with setting up a packet station in my shack. I’m going to have to get my own Winlink log in and go from there. May dedicate that tri-bander I have to the cause since I really don’t use it much. Matter of fact: I listen to my radio’s WAY more than I talk. Maybe I should just switch to Shortwave.
He also took a bunch of those styrofoam blocks used for making those cement houses that I’ve had laying around these past 11 years or so. (WHY can’t I remember what they’re called!?!?) ICF! That’s it. Insulated Concrete Forms. I hate Senior Moments.
So, I’ve been “doing things” around the house that I’ve been meaning to do. Working on the pantry today. Found 2 cases of home made chili that I did back in 2014. Put them on top of the chili I canned in 2016 so I’d eat them first. Had a jar for dinner and it was okay. Wouldn’t drive across town for it though. (My chili never seems to turn out the same when I make a new batch. One year it’ll be great. Next year it’ll be blah. Go figure!)
And that’s about it. Not feeling very well this evening. Trying to get a headache. Usually means the Wx is changing again. Sux!