Another Friday! My Favorite Day!

Sitting at my desk EARLY this AM, moving things around on my computer, when I hear over 2-eter scans “Tornado Warning in effect for Gray’s Harbor and area. Stay inside. Stay away from windows. (Switch to Linux Mint but I’m sure that’s not what they meant.) Stay tuned for local information and warnings.”

Cool. Don’t know why I didn’t get a screenshot of it on Wundermap. Too early and not really awake; probably. This is what our Wx looks like now.

Earlier we had “A vigorous spring Pacific cyclone offshore and approaching our region” but all we have now is a bit of rain and wind. Still, looks like a stormy front (or two) are moving towards us now. May be time to batten down the hatches.

Date day with SWMBO. She wanted to go to Arby’s, which we did, but they still haven’t opened their dining so we had to eat in the truck (again) out in the parking lot. It was okay though cause I was with her.

Made a $130 stop at Walmart on the way home. Started buying seeds for things I want to plant this garden season. Will still make a trip to ACE Hardware for mater plants and onion bulbs. Oh, bought a couple more rose bushes for the front side yard. I’ll need to rent a digger and pull out some of the trash trees before planting.

People start coughing and worry they have the coronavirus. I cough and just pray I don’t pee myself.

spent an hour (or so) RTFM (DON’T Tell Anybody!) for my radio and re-learned a couple of things I should have been doing and some things that I’ll be doing in the future to make using my Yeasu 857d easier.  Getting the Raspberry Pi3 set up and it’s doing digital stuff (like psk31) just fine. Of course, the bands suck. I’ve been monitoring different psk freqs for 3 days and haven’t seen one other signal. Even with the worst antenna in the world you (normally) couldn’t do that. So, it’s time to make another multi-band fan antenna and hang it from a tall tree…

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