Liberal thinking and knowledge of “the facts” at it’s best.
I used to build and repair computers for folks. Got out of it cause I got tired of “It broke and you HAVE to fix it and I’m not paying.” But, you used it for 5 years without problems! “Doesn’t matter. You were the last one to work on it so it’s your fault.”
Nope. Got out of the biz because most “customers” suck at being customers.
Still love building computer’s though. Can’t afford it now; but still enjoy it. Now, pre-built is cheaper and you can always personalize it how you want it still fairly inexpensively.
I’ve been working on this for 3-4 days now. Once SWMBO got home and we “got back to normal” (whatever the hell normal is) there just isn’t much to post about.
Thanksgiving went well. Well, after SWMBO’s son dropped the punkin pie while getting it out of his truck. He was tired though; after working his night shift at Amazon before coming to dinner.
The Turkey was outstanding if I do say so myself. I will probably always Instant Pot my turkey from now on. (Unless SWMBO wants it otherwise, of course.) Tasty, Tender, and not too dry. (Which always surprises me: dry meat that’s been pressure steamed. Go figure.) The rest of the meal was pretty good too except why would anyone mix pineapple in their mashed sweet potato’s? That’s both weird and wrong.
Took SWMBO to Red Lobster (her choice) for her birthday yesterday. You don’t want to know what that cost but a family of 5 in Haiti could eat for a month on that… Probably. But she’s worth it.
And, today we have the Appraiser coming by at 1400 or so to get that out of the way.
Been “building” a raspberry Pi as an ad-blocker using a program called “Pi-Hole.” Interesting. It’s supposed to be your DNS server and knows what (ads) to block. Cool. So far it hasn’t stopped YouTube commercials though…

Lemme know if you ever figure out that Youtube Ad Blocker thing.
You could be a millionaire in a month.