Date Day Went Kinda Quick Today …

Late breakfast at FPH, a stop by the Chef’s Store for a shit-load of sliced mushrooms and some other stuff, then home. Other than some shrooms for SWMBO to make her famous mushroom soup the rest are already in the freeze dryer.

Didn’t sleep worth beans last night so I’m feeling pretty tired. Had a dream about my Ex- (whom I haven’t seen nor heard from in many many years). Woke up at 0200 thinking she was about to call for some reason and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I got up and did some digging around on the Internet and found her and her new husband and the “turn off the paved road” place they’re living in Arkansas. She didn’t call so I went back to bed about 0300 and didn’t get up until 0600. Now I wonder what happened to the guy (Mike) she married after me. They were married over 20 years. Did she just take off on him a second time, or , did he just give up and die from putting up with her crap? Inquiring minds don’t really give a shit.

A dispatch of the EMS to a location here in Belfair for “Complaint of feeling funny after trying marijuana for the first time.”

Take cookies with you, guys.

Solar finally got enough sunlight today to charge the batteries that run my radios. Now, looking at the 7 day forecast, I see rain and possible rain/snow for the next 3 days. Think I’ll keep the power supply on the counter for another few days.

So, Saturday now. looked out the window at 1100 and it’s snowing. Almost 1200 now and it’s still coming down. Cool. Sorta. It ain’t rain!

Building the new NAS and wondering: Why? Other than practicing, that is. Pretty sure when the new drives get here and I install them it’s going to tell me to redo the RAID and reformat anyway. So anything I do now is only practice. But kinda fun. Started delving into the Kubernetics stuff this morning …

But, how does this help me right now? Gravity batteries in abandoned mines could power the whole planet (2 minute read)  Actually, been thinking of experimenting with this in my back yard but can’t figure a way to make it actually useful. Tank of water on top of the 9 ft concrete wall out back with measured release to drive a hydroelectric unit that uses solar power to re-fill the tank every day. How can I make that useful around the house? Otherwise it’d just be a pretty toy. There are video’s on YouTube …

Thank God we didn’t have YouTube when I was a kid. I’d have been in way more trouble than I already managed to stay in. I blew more fuses (and started a couple of fires) by taking things apart and wiring different things together then plugging it in to “see what would happen.” Took a few pretty good shocks over the years too; which may explain a few things.

But, if you want to experiment with something, there’s a video (or 1000) on YouTube about it.

So, heard someone describe that 72 year old Asian guy that shot all those folks down in California as “an almost white guy that killed everyone.” Most of my generation did everything within our powers to wipe out Color differences only to have being “almost white” used against someone.

Wish I could buy an island somewhere isolated and warm. With Internet. And Dr Pepper.

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