In 40 Years Of “Playing” With Computers, This Is The First Time I’ve “Bricked” One.

And it was a sight to behold! I’m checking it out but have absolutely NO idea what the hell I did.

Put my datadrive and another drive in. Booted up just fine. Everything was where it was supposed to be. Every program I ran worked. Added the DataDrive & Workdrive directories to the /media directory; then edited the fstab and put in the UUID, etc. Triple checked the info. Time to reboot. (Get used to seeing that word.)

Only “problem” was my old monitor (VGA) wasn’t being seen (or working) so I decided to go into the CMOS setup during the reboot. Done it a million times. Found the setting I was looking for and clicked on the box to activate the onboard video.

I think that was my mistake. Even though my present (old) computer has that setting just so.

Saved the changes and let it reboot.


And …

Sat there for 10 minutes. Nothing changed until I pressed the esc key then got into cmos again.

What the hell?

Rebooted into cmos. Turned off Secure Boot. TMP and anything else I thought might be the problem. That didn’t even stop the THIS COMPUTER IS PROTECTED BY HP SECURE BOOT.

So, rebooted. Changes. Rebooted. Changes. Rebooted. Changed everything back to ‘normal’ and rebooted again.

Hmmm… Shit STILL ain’t happening like it’s supposed to happen.

Rebooted. Esc into cmos. Reset to factory defaults. Rebooted.

Watched the computer eat itself.

It now seems to be trying to boot. Runs for 3 seconds then shuts down. Never gets to POST. Repeatedly. No human input.

Did that for 20 minutes (which is really pushing my patience!).

Unplugged it. Plugged it back in. Same-O Same-O.

Held down little cmos reset switch while plugging it back in. Nada.

Took EVERYTHING out that I’d added. Rebooted. Didn’t work. Still doing the reboot thing.

Fuck It! Reassembled my ‘old’ computer and set the ‘new’ one aside until I don’t feel like using it for target practice.
So, I’m back for awhile. The Joy.

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