I’ve had exciting. Exciting ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Grew up in “The Valley” you know. Actively engaged in a War, you know. Mom was a barmaid at a Trucker Bar in South El Monte, you know. You know?
So, I’ve had exciting. BUT, this past week couldn’t have been more boring if you’d thrown a Star Trek DS9 Marathon on the heap. Rain. More Rain. So dark I’ve had to attach a charger to my solar batteries. The 3 solar panels just aren’t keeping up.
Speaking of which: decided to build/assemble a 24 volt system to see if I can get it a bit more efficient. Yea, I know; a 48 volt system would be the best, but I really can’t afford to do that right now. Maybe next summer. Oh, I have the panels; but I need batteries. Batteries are spendy. Way spendy. And I need at least 8 of them. (15 would be optimal.) And when you’re talking LifePo4 batteries you want to buy as many of one manufactured date as possible for electrical consistency. (Did that make sense?)

We’ll see. Should be fun just as long as I watch what I’m doing. Higher voltage means a greater chance of getting electrofried if I decide to be stupid. Plus converting DC to AC for transmission then back to DC for storage, well, I need to watch my P’s & Q’s.
RV sprung a leak sometime during our last trip. Found a large pool of water on the counter top during my last check. Spent $54 on a 20×25′ tarp and about an hour getting it over the RV. Surprising what one can do with a 20×25′ tarp, two 8′ wooden poles, and duct tape. When the Wx clears up (along about next May) I’ll have to take it in for repair. That’ll be expensive.
Gathering things for Thanksgiving. SWMBO’s son is still mad at, and not talking to, me, so, he won’t be coming over this year. His loss. SWMBO invited one of her future cat lady friends over and we’ve offered to feed the Missionaries if they don’t get an invite somewhere else. I’m making my instant pot turkey again. (Hey, it’s good and it works!) So, depending on who shows up, I could have a week of cold turkey & mayo sandwiches in my future. Yummy!
Anywho, y’all have a great Thanksgiving. Be safe in your travels.