And I didn’t even know it. Bought Red Matter 2 because I liked the graphics (it dropped to almost half price), and got hooked on the game. I have surprised myself multiple times by being able to figure out what to do; if not the reason for doing it at that time. And the graphics are cool!

I also spend a lot of time in the Slot Car & Plastic Army Men programs. And shooting down planes in the WWI game. And the Target Practice program. Killing Zombies in Gun Club VR. Some Table Tennis and Bowling (but not at the same time). VR tours on YoutubeVR. Those are fun.
And “FLY.” Fly uses Google Earth graphics but allows you to ‘fly’ anywhere. Left control stick is movement. Right control stick is elevation and turning. I spent over an hour today checking out all the canyons around Moab, Utah. A lot of that time was spent looking at the panorama’s Google has of just about every foot of public roads. It was a totally enjoyable hour spent ‘sitting on my ass.’
Doctor’s appointment this afternoon. He says I’m doing great physically. BP *seems* under control (128/70 for him) and I haven’t had any aFib or other serious problems in awhile. So, here’s hoping I stick around another 20-30 years. He ordered a blood test to check my potassium and a MRI to check for cancer. Standard test after quitting smoking for about 15 years. It’s been 13 (or so) for me.
Took SWMBO along and then out to the All-You-Can-Eat Chinese place in Port Orchard so I wouldn’t have to rush home and cook. Ain’t no rushing around here during Rush Hour. Just ain’t happening.
Oh, we didn’t do anything special for Christmas since it was just the two of us and we got her present a few weeks ago. We have a ‘double date’ with one of her friends and her husband tomorrow evening (they really want me and her husband to be friends; but not too close friends if you know what I mean). Then we’ve planned to do absolutely nothing for New Years Eve but cower in the basement and hope no bullets fired into the night sky comes crashing through. And they’s a LOT of bullets fired into the night sky around here.
Hope All Y’all have a Happy New Year and a great 2025!