Spent most of yesterday afternoon pounding holes in the ceiling in the basement trying to follow that water pipe that supplies the fridge. Found a place where it “T’s” towards the outer wall and towards the kitchen sink. Figure it also supplies the kitchen sink and washer.Duh! Aarrrgh!

So today I got off my lazy ass early, drilled a hole through where I want the new pipe to go (next to where we moved the fridge), went down a bought a 10 foot length of PEX and a couple of fittings. Had to make more holes in the basement ceiling, and drill holes through 4 joists, and spend a lot of heavy breathing and sweat to run the new PEX through those same holes, but finally got it all hooked up and the water turned back on. Too Cool! Still checking for leaks though; just to be sure!

I love that PEX stuff and the connectors (Shark Bite?)! No soldering! Just clip the things to the ends of the tubing, clip that to the copper pipe and you’re done! That is way major cool. If I were to build a house I’d go PEX as much as possible.
Guess I ought to take a shower and change clothes before I go pick SWMBO up tonight; maybe get some of this fiberglass insulation and wallboard dust off me. I itch!
Next I get to start pulling up the flooring (ugly damned stuff anyway), build a couple of walls, then wallboard it. Gotta call someone in to “tape & paste” cause I am absolutely terrible at that. SWMBO and I are planning a trip to Home Depot Saturday to see what kind of flooring we want to get. (We can afford to get I should say.) Good thing we have a Home Depot Card!

Supposed to be a nice wind/rain storm moving through Saturday. Expect a lot of power lines down because of wet leaves pulling branches off trees. We’ll see…
I’ve started using my treadmill more too with the onset of cooler weather.