Mar 29

Stay Your Ass At Home Day 5

I think. Sunday and this started last Wednesday, so, yeah, Day 5. I had a hard enough time remembering what day it was before all this; retired, you know. Old Guy too.


So, this is the prediction for this week. Notice Tuesday night into Wednesday. Won’t happen but it’s still kinda late in the year. Except every year we have a good snow in March. Except Wednesday is April Fools Day. Last year about this time we had our SnowMaGeddon. Go figure.

blnd2The Sun has shown and, except for the wind, is fairly nice outside. Me and the Dog have been on a couple of walks today. It’s Sunday so I’m not expending a whole lot of energy getting things done.

Except that I decided to make that Buttermilk Chicken for dinner. So I had to prepare the marinade (buttermilk and stuff), cut the chicken up, and start it to soaking for 3-8 hours. At 1700 it’ll be 5 hours so we’ll see. Adding some mashed and brussels sprouts. Wonder if I should try to pressure fry the chicken? (Not a whole lot of experience with pressure frying.)

I’m liking this new install of Linux Mint 19 Xfce 64 bit. Running from a SSD it’s pretty responsive. Well, that and that I haven’t gummed up the works by installing a LOT of other shit. Yet. Still gotta set up Thunderbird.

Had to change the Window Manager to Metacity + Composting cause Xfwm4 + Composting wasn’t working. Woiuld let me grab windows but couldn’t move or resize them. No, I don’t know why. Hard to get anything done that way though.

Got StreamWriter set up and running fine so I can listen to my Internet Radio Stations again. I really like Chilltrax and Chill In Zone and a few others. Oldies. Country. (But not really the “new” Country. Too Pop for me.)


Dinner was good. Watching the collection of “Mysteries at the Museum” shows I downloaded but haven’t watched. Kitchen’s clean. Think I’ll just chill until bedtime.

Mar 28

Stay Your Ass At Home Day 3

Date Day. Was going to go to KFC drive-thru then eat along the waterfront in Port Orchard. Decided not to cause I don’t want to get food from someplace I can’t see the cook. I trust me and SWMBO not to be sick; but I don’t trust “The Cook” to not be sick and pass this crap on to us. It’s a sorry state of affairs.

So, we’re staying home today. She’s off in her room doing genealogy stuff and watching CSI. I’m puttering around my room and kitchen and doing “stuff.” Every once in awhile I walk to her room and give her a smooch.


Im not doing too bad except for a runny nose and my ears are ringing like there’s no tomorrow. Have been ringing loudly for the past 15 hours or so. Starting to bother me. Along with not getting any quality sleep last night I wouldn’t have been any fun on a “date” anyway. (Like I ever am much fun on a date!?!)

Building my Toshiba Satellite laptop up with the latest version of Linux Mint Xfce for a backup in case my desktop goes TU. Setting SWMBO up as a user and getting her Roots Magic genealogy program to working. Seems to do just fine under Wine. Getting her to sit down and test it is going to be the hard part!


I’m using Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa and now I’m thinking of shutting down my desktop and upgrading it to the latest version of Mint. Think I’ll make a backup and try “sudo apt updrade-distro” just to see what it does.

Well, was going to post this yesterday, of course, but I made a change to something important in my Linux Mint 1.3 and the whole thing crashed and needed to be reinstalled. So I’ve been doing that. Decided I might as well “upgrade” to the latest version of Xfce while doing it. That’s been going interestingly.

There’s a few things I’m not liking, but, nothing that’ll make me change to a different distro. So far.

And my ears are still ringing.

Mar 26

Stay At Home Day 01

The World has gone fuckin’ nuts. And the U.S. has gone nutsier. (If that’s a word.)

Governor Inslee ordered everyone, except “essential” workers, to stay home. Social distancing is still trying to catch on. Stocks have crashed, recovered, crashed, but may be recovering today. Actors keep spewing their socialist anti-American anti-Trump rhetoric.(Like their opinion matters!)

So, SWMBO and I are hunkered down in our place. We didn’t participate in the great hoarding run on toilet paper and sanitary wipes but have enough of both to last awhile. Food isn’t a problem for about 8 months except for milk and eggs. (And I have friends that have laying chickens.) Really it’s pretty much SSDD around here.

Planted peas a couple of weeks ago and they’re starting to (bud?). I think we’ve seen our last real frost. We’ll see. Planted SWMBO’s tater starts. Put in brocolli and cabbage this year. Onions. Thinking of getting a couple more grape plants. The blueberry plants have buds on them already.

Can’t make a dump or garbage run cause they’ve closed the transfer stations for at least 2 weeks. No, I don’t know why. Being stupid. I’m thinking they’re changing a virus for the Black Plague, but, who knows. I do know that a pile of garbage at my house will pull in coyote and (maybe) bear and who know what that lives in the forest out behind us. (Two cans are full. Two standing by to fill.)

SWMBO and made a run to WinCo yesterday. I made us both wear masks and gloves. The buying frenzy of last week didn’t appear to be repeating itself. Very few people had full carts. Of course, the store was out of most “paper products.” Some of the staples were in short supply too but we got what we needed. Couldn’t find yeast though so I may have to buy some beer if we need to make bread.

imageThese are JUST US numbers!

And that’s it. It’s all depressing cause the Media has foisted this panic on us and the Government fell right into line with it. Less than 1100 people have died in the U.S. from this but were in lock-down. Figure that one out.

Mar 21

Well. Procrastinated Long Enough, I Guess.

Haven’t updated here since forever, cause there just ain’t nothing going on around here! Well, except for this Coronavirus (COVID-19) of course.

MAN! I cannot believe the panic, fear, and plain stupidity of people (egged on by the “News” agencies). This mass buy-off of toilet paper is crazy. Toilet Paper? What the hell doesn anyone need  years supply of toiolet paper for? Same with sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer. Dipshidiots.


SWMBO and I have pretty much hunkered down and stayed home. Except for Date Day yesterday.Took her to Bubba’s Burgers in Allyn then ate at the waterfront. Took a long walk on a short pier. Came home.

To show how crazy people are: When we got our order, SWMBO took a taste of her drink and a bubble went down the wrong pipe. So she started coughing. A lady sitting behind us exclaimed “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” fairly loudly and stormed off. She didn’t take time to see what was really going on. Fuck her!

But people are freaked out. Social distancing is a big thing. Cities under “stay home” orders. Businesses closed nationwide. Crazy.


And people on FB get upset when one questions the curbing of their freedom’s in the name of safety. Ok, explain to me how a Mayor granting herself the ability to curb gun/ammo sales has anything to do with a virus. Still waiting. And it’s getting to the point that the government is going to force people to stay in their houses. And probably use violence to enforce that. Crazy.

Otherwise, Wx is getting better. By better I mean warm in the afternoons and has been way less cloudy these past few days. Supposed to rain tomorrow though. Of course.

And that’sreally about it. Covid-19. Self Isolation. Plenty of TP left. Wash hands all the time. Cooking dinner now.


Oh, my colonoscopy was cancelled until a later date. At least I didn’t get through the “go lightly” stuff beforehand!