Oct 20

Another Tuesday

b101bInternet comes to my house via DSL. Cable stops about 3/4 mile away down by the Sandhill park. It’s not bad and mostly works, but, I’ve complained that Bushmen in the middle of Darkest Africa have better-faster (and cheaper) Internet than we do here near one of the technological centers of the U.S.

But, that’s changed now that “ Nokia wins NASA contract to put a 4G network on the Moon.” Which means I can complain that they have better-faster-cheaper Internet on the freakin’  Moon than we do here near one of the technological centers of the U.S.

Thank you, cheapskate American Money Grubbing Internet Providers. (Y’all check out Internet for South Korea sometime. Go on, Google it.)

Augmented Reality for your windshields is coming soon. Already on a few (expensive) vehicles. How long before the porn companies sell a “mod” that makes all the women walking by naked? Wanna bet?

dance1In an e-mail today Amazon recommends the Zune Home AV pack v2 (Discontinued by Manufacturer) because I bought a Zune from them 15 FREAKIN’ YEARS AGO.

I never got pecked by a chicken, but, my Grandma chopped one’s head off once and the body ran up my brother’s chest and danced on his head a moment. He couldn’t eat chicken for the longest time …

Scientists compare how COVID-19 cough clouds travel with and without face masks.” Yes, we really pay for these kinds of “studies.” As a retired Navy Independent Duty HM I can tell you that the cough won’t travel as far if you wear a mask.  That’ll be $134,000.83 please. Just leave it in the chump change jar.

Since it’s supposed to get down to about freezing here by Friday I got out and dug up all the taters in the raised beds. Not a lot of them this year. Couple of meals worth. Think we’ll have some tonight with meatloaf. May pick corn to go along with it just to irk SWMBO. (Too many starches!)

Gonna get her up early tomorrow as we’re making a day trip to Leavenworth, WA to get some Apple Cider. And spend time together.

Aug 10

Why, Hell, I have no idea what’s been going on.

Mel09aaI remember going through that prodrome last Sunday. Never did get much of a headache but still spent most of the day Monday going through the after migraine blahs. You know; where  you don’t really feel like doing anything. But I did manage to make the best Stew I’ve had in awhile. Meat was so tender I didn’t even really need my teeth!

Tuesday was pretty normal around here too. Boring! Inside cause it rained most of the day. Dog and I didn’t even have time to go for a walk between bouts of rain. So I stayed inside. Scanning pictures. Doing my usual chores. Listening to the radio. Got lazy for dinner and made baked fish sticks and fries. The MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Chat Net went prety well. Got up to the last episode of Season 4 of Warehouse 13.

2016-08-10 14.06.22

Mel06aaToday it was supposed to clear up; but it hasn’t. Yet. Still kind of warm enough to get out and work on my 6BTV antenna; but not nice enough to get on the roof to move my 2-m/440 antenna to where I want it. And no one else is home (which is a requirement SWMBO has for me). So I’ve been scanning pictures then doing what I can outside.

Did start the last piece of wallboard for the closet remodel. Mostly have it in place. Just need to sand down the one edge a bit and it should fit in nice and snug. And SWMBO has only modified my plans for that space by a small, tiny, teensy, itty-bitty bit! (Sure!)

Did the MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net, watched the final episode of Warehouse 13 (made me sad. I like those people), and am about to hit the rack for some reading.