Jun 11

Another Great Sunday At Home

DoorBlond1bAnd I’m loving it!

So, what the heck have I been up to? And for how far back; since I haven’t posted in a few days?

Friday? Yeah, that’s enough. Friday. Hmmm… What the heck did I do? Stayed around the house “doing things.” That’s about all I can remember. Dog and I did make a dump run but I don’t remember if that was Friday or not.

Saturday was MCARC meeting in Shelton. It went well. LOTS of planning for Field Day at the end of the month.

Then, the afternoon was “date day” with my lovely young bride of 30+ years. I always look forward that that. She took me to the China Sun Buffet (all you can eat) in Port Orchard (where I stuffed myself this time). Then our usual stop at Walmart. Then back home.

My New Tower Waiting To Be Put Up

Today, Sunday, was really a SSDD. Only got half the laundry done cause we ran out of the soap we use. (More on order and should be here Tuesday.) SWMBO made dinner (it was good!). Went on a walk around the back-40.

The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went okay; but only two of us checked in tonight! Haven’t seen that happen in awhile. But, it is almost Summer, the Wx is pretty nice today, so I kind of expect most folks would be out doing something. And that’s okay.

Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit.

Instead I spent an hour looking at shipping containers online. Phew!

Feb 13

Wow. Almost Got Warm Outside Today.

Again. SSDD. Except the sun was out and it got kind of nice out there. So me and the Dog got out and tried a couple of things to get my long-wire antenna up again. None of which worked, of course.

First I hooked fishing line to the drone and made a couple of attempts to get over the tree. Almost worked the first time! Wasn’t quite as far around the tree as I thought. My other attempts were dismal failures in that it was just too breezy to have good control over the drove. And I almost got it hung up in the tree.

So, tennis ball gun. Ball went right where I wanted it first shot. Fishing line went right where I wanted it to. Fishing line got caught up and the ball is now hanging about 30 feet up. Kind of inaccessable to an fat, old, guy like me. So I’m leaving it in place, with plenty of extra string, to see if the wind will work it down to where I’ll be able to grab it. We’ll see.

NC349-05Was really nicer outside. Took the Dog for a couple of walks. He’s a warm Wx Dog for sure. Been antsy all day. I’ve been busy doing Club finances and putting together those cansolidator thingies SWMBO bought and haven’t been able to pay that much attention to him. So I chased him around the big room for awhile. He’s getting to where he’ll “fight” with me. Cool!

The Monday evening NMARES 2-meter Net went well. Everyone was scratchy;  but everyone is always scratchy on this repeater.

SWMBO is home and in doing her homework. Dog is finally getting calmed down. Think I’ll go read a bit.

Jan 13

The Pandorica Opens

Pool4bPicked SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing yesterday evening and ran her out to her class at the Mullinex Church building. Dropped her off and I went to Walmart.

Bought a nice battery, a trickle charger (one of the supposidly SMART ones), and some other stuff to move my radio’s from house power to battery power. Walked out of Walmart $130 broker but think this’ll work out.

So, today I put it all together and hooked it up. Only had to make one run into town for different parts. Working good so far. The little charger thingie has a constant green light: indicating the battery is charged. Been listening to all Pool3bthree radio’s most of the afternoon and it hasn’t changed. Cool! Now, if/when the power goes out I can still operate my radio’s. And, if I don’t permanently mount this outside, I could take it along for field day. Need to get a solar panel for field charging. Hmmm…

Not a whole lot going on. Working on the radio’s part of the day. Taking the Dog for walks. Playing with localhost and setting up Piwigo & WordPress to play with. Really important Retired stuff.

Picked SWMBO up at the QFC and we be home. She’s off in her room doing whatever she does in there. Waiting on a friend of her’s to show up for some fabric. Radio’s still working just right. Doctor Who in the background.

Think I’ll go lay down and read.

Nov 08

Yes, I Know That I Can Be Depressed

lil01aWhich I have been lately. Really depressed. So I do a lot of things to try to work my way out of it (including a lot of self-talk) but don’t seem to actually accomplish anything. Mentally or physically. And that is starting to get on my nerves. (And part of it is 3 weeks of rain, I know.) I have to be careful and keep my wits about me though cause depression has gotten me into a lot of trouble in the past.

Trying to listen to the noon-tim e net on 7268.5 but someone is playing different types of music too near that frequency. Don’t know if it’s just someone fooking with the Net or if it’s coming from overseas.

Started looking at getting another dog. A breed that stays between 15-20 pounds and short haired. Was looking at a Beagle but they get way over 20 lbs. Haven’t been impressed with anything mixed with Chihuahua. Never did like Chihuahuas. But a Beagle-Chihuahua mix might stay smaller. I don’t like flighty/scared/nervous all the time. Or anytime, really. (On farther reading, I don’t think a Beagle will work for me.)


Made a dump run cause it was time to make one. Came back and played with my tower a bit. Assembled the bottom 3 sections but couldn’t lift it upright. Too heavy for this old guy. Want to sit upright to kind of get it out of the way. I’ll get help. Sometime.

Turned that ham thingie (senior moment) into pork chops and got those in the freezer. Psuedo BBQ’d myself one and made mixed veggies to go with it for dinner. Was yummy.

The 10-meter Net went well even if we didn’t actually have a Net. Just a few of us checking in and talking awhile. Cool!

Anywho, that’s about it. Looks like Trump is winning (Yay!) so I think I’ll just go lay down and read a bit.