Jun 26

Field Day 2016 Is Done. Easily Bored People Should Exit The Building Now.

Just like the headline says: Field Day 2016 is over and done with. Phew!

All These Will Be Posted To Our Flicker too

I, of course, got out to the Field Day Site around noon last Friday to open the gate and accept the Porta Potty. The weather was pretty crappy with wind and drizzle for most of the afternoon. Cleared up but stayed windy while I was setting my “shack” up. SWMBO joined me for the two nights! (That is always cool!)


Saturday we had me and AD7DY-Omer as the only Hams taking part in Field Day, but a butt-ton of visitors (including a Judge). Later in the afternoon AF7VT-Ric set up his station and started transmitting. AD7DY-Omer worked 40-meters (like he always does), AF7VT-Ric worked 20-meters voice, and I was working 20-meters PSK31. (And I actually made the first contact of our group this year. Unusual.)


Saturday evening K7TIT-Dan came out and joined us for awhile. I don’t know if he worked any contacts or not. He did do the GOTA station at Kneeland Park in Shelton and made quite a few contacts from there during the day. Good job! N7YGE-Jerry came out and set up a Packet Station and showed everyone what that’s all about.


Today I kind of just ran down; and I didn’t even stay up that late the night before! Ric & Omer had stayed up most of the night. I made Bacon and Eggs (scrambled) for all of us so we could start the day with a full stomach. Not that it did any good in my case. Guess I’m getting Old. But the Wx was perfect this weekend! Warm!


So, around 1100 I shut everything down, loaded all my “stuff” back into the Caravan and Truck, and came home. First things first! Hot Shower! Then I unloaded the Caravan and Truck and started putting everything away. SWMBO came out and helped me clean up.


And now we’re just lounging around resting and gathering our strenght for this coming week. Y’all can check out the pictures Ric & I took of this weekend on our Flicker site. (When I get off my Old Ass and post them.)

Will probably go to bed early tonight. Afterall, I’m turning 64 tomorrow.

And we even had the usual MCARC Sunday Evening Chat Net. Talk about dedicated!

Jun 12

Well, Ain’t That Just Peachy!

elysa1aLast Thursday was my (early) appointment with my Doc. He (and my Lovely-Young Bride of almost 30 years) thinks I have “intermittent claudication” in my right leg. And my blood pressure was kind of high. Oh, Joy. So he changed some of my meds and is setting me up for a consult to a local testing facility. Could require surgery to open things up. (Can you say Stent?)

Friday, the light-of-my-life had the day off for her own Dental & Doctor’s appointments; but I had a headache so bad I was totally useless all damned day. Weather change, again. Back to cool and sometimes wet.

Saturday, yesterday, started out with the MCARC monthly meeting in Shelton. It went well. Nice ride there and back too.

How The West Was Won

When SWMBO got home from the genealogy library, she took me to “Famous Dave’s” for ribs and burnt ends. On the way home we stopped by “Cash-N-Carry” and picked up a big slab of pork to cut pork chops from, a 25 lb chunk of beef to make hamburger from, and a bunch of other stuff that we need. And our usual stop at Safeway.

So, today, I’m probably going to grind meat most of the day. Want to make another batch of my home-made chili for the coming year. Good thing I like canning! (Mostly.)

Rio Bravo

Just read about the terrorist attack in Orlando. Fuck Muslims. We need to take the entire Cult out all over the world. Then we need to take out the Left Media. Anyone who supports Islam should be dealt with. Harshly.

Spent the better part of the afternoon slicing up beef. SWMBO helped me by running it through the grinder. Now have 14 (or so) packages of brand new hamburger starting the freezing process. Love those sucker-bag thingies!

The Island

And I started the meat for my batch of chili. And made spaghetti for dinner. Finishing up the laundry. Still gotta remake the bed but that don’t take long.

Been having old John Wayne Westerns running in the background. Cool!

Cut a pork loin into 16 of the purtiest (and one ugly fucker) pork chops you ever saw. They’re freezing now too.


MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went pretty good. Good signals all around.

I’m going to bed.

Jun 06

Mostly Busy HOT Day! 90+ Again.

Walk03bMy Lovely-Young-Bride of almost 30 years (this December 20th!) didn’t have to go to work today. She stayed home to take the Dog to his appointment. But the damned alarms still went off this morning; so I’ve been up since 0515. Yay.

Made a trip to Home Depot to check on that smallish digger they have for rent. It was there, but you can’t sign up for a particular time, and I wasn’t ready to take it today, so I got some other stuff I needed. 12 80-lb bags of cement mix and 15 cinder-blocks. Luckily, one of their guys helped me load it.

But I had to unload it myself! Phew! So I spent the afternoon assembling raised-bed garden beds. Got 3 done and have only 2 to go. Had to rebuild the forms for the larger blocks but that took only about half an hour. My garden is starting to come together!


SWMBO brought Taco Bell home when she came back from the Dog’s appointment. One of his ears is clear but the other is still infected. Damn!

After dinner I got SWMBO out to help me reposition my long wire dipole. I shot the ball over the tree and she watched where it landed. Then she held the heavy duty string while I pulled it over the tree. It all worked out.

So, now my long-wire dipole is about 25 feet  higher. Cool! We’ll see tomorrow night if it makes any difference on the MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Evening Chat Net.


For some reason, my head is trying to pound. Think I’ll go take a warm shower and go lay down and read. It’s almost bedtime anyway.

May 03

Had A Fairly Busy Day!

Really! I, the old, retired, guy had a fairly busy day. Cool!

Started off by taking SWMBO to the Ferry Landing. The Sunrise was beautiful. Bright and Orangy. Really pretty.

Stopped for gas on the way home. Made a dump run for our renter.  Came home and renewed my perscriptions over the phone. (Can pick them up tomorrow after 1300.)

Tried calling Peach Beach RV Park to make an reservation. After almost a dozen “mailbox is full” messages I finally got a recorded message that probably had a lot of good information. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand it. (One of these days I really need to take that course in Garble!) I finally wound up e-mailing the place but I really don’t expect an answer. And I don’t know if we should just drive down there and take a chance that they’ll have a spot we’d enjoy.

Went to Shelton to meet up with the other MCARC Club Officers to check out a Church as to suitability for our Club meetings. Place is huge! All dark wood inside. Really nice. Kind of BIG for me, but, we could get used to it. Doubt we’ll pick this place though; cause they want $25/meeting. With no gauarante that we’d even be able to have a meeting if they schedule a wedding or funeral. And we’d havt to bring our own coffee.

At Alpine Meadows, where we’ve had our meeting since forever, we pay $120/yr for coffee and the room is free. Unfortunately, the room is getting rather small nowadays. Which is good cause that means more people are showing up for the meetings so no complaints about that. We’re just getting to need more room.

Picked SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing and we’re home now. Think I’ll go lay down and read awhile. All this starts early again tomorrow.

If I’m Lucky!