Jan 04

Had To Pass This On!

I can’t stand H. Clinton!

In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.

Does this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you? Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of democrats polled agreed. She has never run a City, County, or State. (She couldn’t even control her husband.)

When told Hillary Clinton has experience because she has 8 years in the white house, Dick Morris stated ’so has the pastry chef’.

Jan 04

It’s Been SSDD…

So I haven’t posted. Really!

Saturday didn’t do anything but feed the Missionaries taco’s. Probably straightened up around the house but that’s pretty much a daily thing around here.

Sunday was a regular sunday. Church for the first hour then home. The rest of the day is a blur.

Monday: We spent New Year’s Eve as we usually do. Searching for a safe place to hide in the house from the falling bullets from those idiots that just have to fire their guns into the air to welcome the new year. Just kidding about the hiding part. Didn’t seem to be as many people shooting into the sky this year. No one went fully automatic this year. The guy with the mortar shot off only a dozen rounds or so. All in all a fairly quiet New Year’s Eve this year. SWMBO and I like to stay home (we’re not party people) and just be together for New Year’s.

Tuesday was pretty much SSDD. The Missionaries did stop by about 2000 just to visit for awhile.

Wednesday I got off my ass and went to the base and got a sticker for my car. Then I went to the Exchange and bought 3 expansion pacs for Flight Simulator X. OF COURSE I spent the rest of the day flying different aircraft! (Need you even wonder?!) SWMBO was off to the office for the day so she wasn’t around to yell at me to get off my butt and get things done. (That’s misleading though: She doesn’t yell at me at all.)

Thursday SWMBO and I went out and about to find a couple of things called "Chain Binders". They’re used to bind the chain when you tie something down for transport. We found some at a local feed store and got two. I’ll need them for this Saturday when I load my digger on a trailer to take it back out to the property. I want to get started on fixing the clearing and road. Probably should have started before the snow melted but couldn’t get my digger out there. Oh well.

Not much going on today. Just waiting until 1800 when we’re going to head out. We’re going to have something crunchy at Taco Hell then see "The Golden Compass" at the theater uphill. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night cause of a migraine and have mixed feelings about going to see a movie; but I’ll be spending time with SWMBO and that’s always great.

Gotta Go!

Dec 30

These Times. They Are A Interesting.

Joined this web service today that makes audio of your blog for folks to listen to. Odiogo.com. You sign up and they make an audio file and give you a "listen now" button. The voice gets things pretty close. I’ll have to change Olalla to O La La and SWMBO to swimbo (with a long o) but, hey, no biggie. They do need to get a sexy female voice though. Not that it will bring anyone to my blog. I guess I’m not like other bloggers though; I know MY blog is boring and probably doesn’t contribute anything to society in general. But who cares! I enjoy doing it.

Things are pretty normal for Sunday. Church for the first hour then home. Getting the rest of the laundry done. SWMBO (swimbo) decided to batch it so I didn’t even have to cook dinner! Cool! She’s taken over the tv so I’ve been watching trailers at apple.com. I like having broadband internet!

Did all my cooking yesterday. Ground my own hamburger and made taco’s for the Missionaries. Them Boys Can Eat A Lot! Phew! But it was nice to have them over for awhile.

Dec 29

Damn Weather Persons!

Yesterday and day before the Weatherpersons were talking/warning us about a new storm moving in. Was supposed to drop 1″ to 3″ of snow over the whole area. Well, here in (our part of) Olalla all we got was 1″ to 3″ of RAIN! Didn’t see a flake of snow where we are. Then, Poop Dog and I took off for the property around noon. Got to the top of the first hill and saw a few flakes of snow. Got to the top of the next hill and got a few more flakes of snow. Was definitely snowing on the freeway. Then by the time we hit Port Orchard it was really snowing. Traffic slowed down and everything. So, instead of spending 3 hours getting out to the property I decided to come on back home. Poop Dog didn’t get a vote. I was driving this time. Took the Sedgwick exit and by the time we got over the hill to where Freddy’s is it was raining. Rained all the way back to the house except when we crossed over the freeway. There it was snowing. Strange! And rained all night! Can you tell I’ve been in Warshington too long?
Today was our fairly usual Friday date. Took SWMBO to a late breakfast in Port Orchard then we went and saw the new “National Treasure” movie. The movie was okay (seemed kind of lackluster to me and all the major stars look like they’re trying to win the bulimic of the year award) but being out with SWMBO was great! (As Usual!) Got back to the house about 1630 and have been straightening up my Television & Movie drives and getting them back up and running. The Television drive messed up and I managed to move most everything off it before I reformatted it. Damn, I hate doing that! Took over 285 minutes to move the tv programs to another disc. But I got it all put back together and it all seems to be working right so I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Anywho, that’s about it. Gotta feed two hungry Missionaries tomorrow (today now) at 1630 so I guess I won’t be going out to the property unless I get up really early. Was thinking of taking my new widescreen camera out there and recording the sunrise of something…