Feb 28

Day Trip To Astoria And Back!

Cool! Started out about 0730, got to Astoria about 1100, spent some time there before heading back, and was home by 1600. Cool! Rained pretty much the whole way. Actually, sprinkled, rained, downpoured, and variations thereof the entire trip. But it was nice being out with my Schweetie so I didn’t mind the wet. And there was a couple of times the sun came out and it was almost nice.

Montesano (I think). Breakfast.

Except when we climbed the 163 stairs of the Astoria Tower. I’m getting too old for this shit! Made it though and it was really windy and cold and we didn’t stay up there long; but it was fun seeing that with SWMBO. Resumed raining pretty hard when we got back to ground level. Hurried to the Gift Shop, where she bought a t-shirt, then we headed out.

Just before the bridge to go into Oredon

All in all a really nice day trip. Some really great scenery. And getting to talk with SWMBO.

The Love Of My Life! (And the Truck.)

Yesterday I went to a meeting of the Kitsap Amateur Radio Club over in Port Orchard. Nice meeting and saw a nice presentation on the HamWan stuff. Not sure if I’ll be going back though. No one (other than the guy I went there to see) introduced themsheves or had us introduce ourselves and I have mixed feelings about that. But, then, I run a completely different type of meeting and shouldn’t expect every other club to be that way.

163 Steps To The Top. 163 Back Down.

Anywho, looks like the Mesh stuff will be really short range and probably used mostly on Field Day if we get enough people participating. The 5.8 GHz HamWan stuff is extremely line-of-sight and probably won’t work for Mason County. (Lots of trees and mountains in the way.) However, the 900 MHz HamWan should work just fine even if it is a bit slower. And it can be “tunneled” into the other HamWan system.


So that might be the way Mason County will roll if anyone other than I gets interested in it. The equipment could cost about $200 per unit (which really ain’t bad) but setup seems pretty easy. I’m going to check it out more.


Other than that not much has been gong on around here. SSDD. Since we got home a bit earlier than I thought we would I’m just starting my usual Sunday chores. Probably won’t make dinner tonight as we’re still full from our last stop at MacDonald’s in Raymond, Wa on the way home.


MCARC Sunday Evening 2-meter Chat Net went really well. About 10 check-ins. Nice. Somehow I get to run next Wednesday’s Net. Cool!

I’m going to bed. I’m tired.