Mar 23

Time Passes When You’re …

Having fun!

You know; I’m just not sure what, if anything, I did last Thursday. Probably just more of the same. Just after posting last Wednesday, the News and Wx sites I read all predicted SNOW through Friday morning. And it did. North and East of Seattle got slammed with some places getting around 6 inches. Didn’t see a flake here. I even seem to remember the sun coming out for awhile. Wasn’t warm or anything; just the sun came out.


Friday was our usual Date Night and SWMBO took me and our son to Taco Bell in Port Orchard. Then we spent too much money Walgreen’s getting me some socks and t-shirts. Then spent way too much money at Safeway on the way home. Our freezer is packed!


Didn’t do too much today. SWMBO was off at the Genealogy Library and I just kind of lounged around the house and got a couple things done outside (still COLD out there) and played with Vue7 a lot while watching “The Universe.”


Got a guy coming over tomorrow to look at the Digger. Says he’s definitely interested in buying her. I really hate to sell it, but, we really need the money. If we got a couple of bills paid off (we don’t really owe that much out) we at least wouldn’t have to worry about them. If we could sell off SWMBO’s car (or economically get a cheaper one) neither of us would have to work! Thank you Navy Retirement!

And that’s it. Think I’ll go lay down and read.

Feb 23

Salmon Patties For Dinner…

With “fixins.” Other than that haven’t done a damn thing all day. Been downloading the latest version of Linux and even managed to get my coat into the dryer, but haven’t really done much of anything today.

Did get the broken hydraulic hose off the Digger and managed to get the ignition switch free of the chassis, but, haven’t actually removed the switch. Too many wires hooked to the thing! Took several pictures of where the wires are attached and will label the wires before unhooking them cause I don’t want to mess it up. Monday or Tuesday I’ll get to see if the guy at the Auto Parts store can get me a switch pretty close to it. Not too expensive, I hope. Yep, unhooked the battery before getting into the switch!

Digger Ignition Switch

Yesterday, SWMBO took me to Taco Bell over in Bremerton then to WinCo Foods to spend too much money. Got a bunch of things we needed though. They’re fairly reasonably priced.

Don't Forget How The Wires Go!

Still getting used to looking out the window from my Shack and NOT seeing the Dump Truck and RV.

Other than that there just isn’t much going on around here. Wasn’t too bad out today, Wx wise, so I did get the dog walked!

Some of the Innards of the Digger

Gotta go play with SWMBO’s computer to see if I can get it to see the Movie Drive…

Oh, I post to three blogs “just in case” we get too broke and I have to close down this ( site. The & Blogger Blog are kinda sorta Backups. Unfortunately, all three post to Twitter whenever I make a new post. Sorry about that. One of them posts to Tumblr and that makes a Twitter post. Maybe I’m spreading myself too thin. Or spreading myself around too much? You Decide…

Feb 16

Kinda Sorta A Busy(ier) Day…

Finally got off my fat old ass and got 4 gallons of diesel for the Digger. Digger drank if all up! Then I found out that the ignition switch has finally gone totally bad on the Digger; so I had to start her by taking off part of the gauges and shorting the switch. Started right up though. Thank goodness for my early life training! Smile

Digger Running Just Fine!

Moved the Dump Truck around getting it ready for the new owner to pick up sometime this week. Then ran up and down the driveway stirring up the gravel. There was this really bright thing up in the sky (been there for a couple of days now) that kinda sorta felt warm; but I got cold and came in.

What The Hell Is This. Felt Kinda Warm.

Updated both the Ham sites with some new information. Went through and cleared out the spam comments & Guestbook entries at all my sites.

Took the dog out and played in the sun for awhile. (At least, I assume that large bright thing up there is the Sun.) Still cold out there though.

Picked up Constantine & Shawshank Redemption at Blockbuster while I was out getting fuel. Guess my evenings planned… Man, I just love Blu-Ray! (Now that I have a monitor that’ll handle it.)

Made a frozen lasagna for dinner and some Texas Toast. Was pretty good and there was just enough for the three of us.

And that’s it. Think I’ll watch a movie.