Mar 07

I’m Boring? Really? Ya Think!?

Just not a whole lot going on today. There was this really bright thing in the sky for a few minutes a bit earlier. Dang thing almost felt warm! It was bright and most everything had darker areas under them. Wonder what that was all about?

Strong Wind Gust & Deer. Hard Landing!

Had an anonymous on Tumblr try to ding me for “posting such boring, redneck, shit.” I’m Famous! But, hey, that’s my Blog: Average Redneck Retired Military This Is My Daily Life Since I Retired Blog. Mostly, life is pretty boring; and I’m living it to the fullest! I’ve had exciting (growing up in LA. Desert Storm. Marriage) and vastly prefer the boring. I get my kicks from living with SWMBO and traveling. That’s all I need. (Well, that and Internet access.)


Anywho, just thought it was funny that someone would leave me a message about it. What really surprises me is that I have “followers.” I appreciate them; but I don’t understand it either.


Spent a little time, after taking the Dog for a walk, listening to WebSDR. I like finding folks talking on the site then try to tune them in on my radio. I never hear Europe but sometimes get Russia. And, sometimes, the States. Fun.

That’s pretty much my day. SWMBO is home safe and sound. I’m going to go lay down and read.

Mar 05

Mostly Sunny! 59 Degrees! Nice!

Almost nice enough. Sat out in the Sun awhile just soaking up the heat. Part of me thought it was hot enough to take off all my clothes and lay out. The other part produced goose-bumps from how chilly the slight breeze was. Chilly won. Did go out in T-shirt and jeans but that was it. Was nice though.


Not a whole hell of a lot going on today. Pretty much a normal Saturday. SWMBO took me to Burger King for a Whopper (it was good!). We walked through a new Feed Store (lots of neat stuff). Stopped by Payless and bought some new sandals (since mine are finally starting to fall apart. But they lasted two years or so).


Made our usual stop at Safeway and now we be home. So, still normal routine.

Think I’ll watch “Big Ass Spider” and hit the rack.

Mar 04

I Admit It. Was Pretty Lazy Today.

But it rained pretty much all day so I didn’t really feel like getting out for anything. Checked mail is, so far, the only thing I’ve gone outside for. Nope. Wait. Oh, I did put a set of sheets in the Caravan and I had to step outside for that.


Got my usual chores done (rather early actually), threw some whites in the washer, and settled down to read my book. That’s pretty much all I’ve done all day. Hey, I’m Retired.

Downloaded and started reading “The Martian” last night. I find that, usually, the book is much better than the movie. And I wasn’t disappointed this time either. Finished it around 1700. Was pretty good. Geeky enough for me anyway.


I really like the Kindle App; except for paying again for books I already have hard copies of. It’s nice to be able to take my library with me without having to pack 25 (or so) boxes. I finally settled on Kindle rather than Google Play Books cause I can download the books and not have to have an Internet connection. Can pretty much read anywhere as long as I have power to either my tablet or new phone.


Not a whole hell of a lot going on. Just got a message from SWMBO to pick her up at the Ferry Landing tonight so I get to do that. Otherwise my ass is sore (and my feet feel hot) from all this sitting. Doctor Who Marathon still running in the background and it’s up to episode 180-The Shakespeare Code.

And its fookin’ Friday. I have spent all damned day thinking it was Thursday. How the Hell do I lose days? I mean it. Occasionally I will completely drop a day like it never existed. It’s Freakin’ Friday. What happened to Thursday?


Ordered a case for my new phone and it should be here 5-10 March. Almost bought another Raspberry Pi but can’t really think of what to do with it. The one I have  is running the Media Center so that’s covered. Still want to make a portable psk machine though. Hmmm…

Yep. Rained fairly hard most of the way to the Ferry Landing. Then only  half the way back. Ah, well. I’m going to lay down.

Mar 02

Quite A Wind We Had Last Night!

Trees down all over the area. Power outages. Lot’s of road closures that still aren’t clear today. The “unprepared” are freaking out. Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40 to check for damange (and to take some pictures to test my new phone/camera) and there really wasn’t that much new damage. Branches down and it’s soaking; but otherwise pretty normal.


Yep, drove back to COSTCO and got a Droid Maxx 2. It was spendy, but, when you consider that I was planning to buy a new camera soon, it really wasn’t that bad. It has a 21mp rear camera; which is more important to me than making calls (since I get only 4-5 calls a month and make only 1-2 calls a month. If that.). It’s a bit bigger than my old Droid, and the case that comes with it sucks, but it seems to be a nice phone.

So, been spending the last couple of hours reinstalling the apps I like and getting mail set up and all that stuff. Haven’t tried making a call yet. Getting the danged thing to connect to our network was a pain until I finally typed in the right MAC ID. (I was only 1 number off. If it was really a smart phone it would have recognized that and corrected it by itself!)


It came with a butt-ton of “accessories,” but, the one I like best (so far) are the blue tooth headphones. Paired those with my tablet and was watching “The Martian” and the sound was pretty good. Think I’ll keep those. (Except I don’t really like those “stick IN the ear” type cause they make the insides of my ears itch.)

Time To Start Working On The Garden For 2016

MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. I didn’t have to be Net Control. Not that I really would have minded. But I’d rather just be one of the check ins for awhile.

Crap! Lights are flickering.