Well, lots has been going on even if not much of it is even worth writing about. Things have been mostly SSDD around here even if the weather has been getting better. At least it isn’t raining constantly!
Radio “stuff” is going pretty good. Been talking to Australia & New Zealand, Canada and all over the US. Pskreporter.info even said my signal has been heard in Denmark a couple of times. (But I haven’t actually talked to anyone there. Yet.)
Been participating in our local “Nets” on Sunday thru Wednesday evenings. Trying to get my grand-daughter, Lexi, Interested in getting her ticket. She’s been too shy to talk on the radio so far. How to encourage her without discouraging her? (Or seeming pushy.)
Been busy around the house trying to get all my outside stuff done while the weather is not bad. Cut up a tree that I had knocked over a few months ago to put in our garden beds and took the cut pieces over to a friends house that has only a wood stove for winter heating. One more tree to go!
SWMBO made me blueberry muffins the other night using blueberry’s we picked from our own bushes. They was good! Surprised those blueberry bushes have produced this much being only a couple of years old.
Took the digger up and helped a neighbor flatten a place to put one of those canvas covered carports. He’s found a couple of trees he’d like me to push over. I’m pretty sure I can do it, safely, but these are some TALL trees. Not very big around but about 100 feet tall. I have pushed over bigger…
My other neighbor called me over to his house and showed me some Bear Poop in his yard. Dang! Bear is getting brave. It has to go past our other neighbor’s and our house to get to his place. Now we gotta be extra careful to make a lot of noise when we walk around the back of the property. Better than being eaten by a bear!
Oh, still going to both Ham Radio clubs; the one here (NMARES) and the one in Shelton (MC-ARC). Still the Treasurer for MC-ARC. NMARES messed up and voted me their President for the coming year. Really! We’ll see how THAT goes!
So I’ve been trying to get into that without being too pushy and working on the new web site for NMARES. It’s going well, so far. And the web site is starting to look good too.
There’s probably eight hundred and six thousand things I’ve forgotten about that I could probably post about; but I can’t remember them. Probably not very important. We lead pretty boring day-to-day lives around here.
Oh yeah, the garden(s) are doing well. We actually got maters and corn this year! SWMBO’s peas are doing excellent!