Jan 09

Soon My Reign Will End!

MCARC Meeting this morning went okay. We spent way too much time talking about the new repeater. Which we still don’t have and no one has any idea when we will have it. And it’s not going to be a new item; “They” found a used one that they like for sale in some other State somewhere. I’ll tell you: I have real problems with the 3 guys that are responsible for getting us a new repeater are the 3 guys that don’t feel we need one. So you know it ain’t gonna get done too quickly.


But, as someone reminded me today, elections for new officers are in March so I won’t have to worry about this much longer. I really am looking to get some of the new young guys/gals to take over various offices. Maybe some new, younger, minds can get some things done cause the old farts just ain’t gonna do it.


SWMBO took me to KFC for dinner this afternoon. Then we stopped at Wal Marts to get her a new backpack. I picked up a couple of movies on blue ray. Made our usual stop at Safeway on the way home; and here we are.

Antanna Did Finally Break

She has a quilt she has to finish by tomorrow so she’s off in her room sewing. I’m ripping the discs so I can convert the movies to .mp4 format for the movie drive. And doing this. Ain’t y’all lucky!?

Feb 25

Spent Way Too Much Time Online Today

Looking up “fixes” for SWMBO’s friends Dell laptop. I just cannot get the rebuild discs to get beyond the opening screen. Error out every time. I’m so frustrated with the thing I’m just going to give it back to her and let her take it back to where she bought it to get it fixed. She does owe SWMBO $70 for a new drive though.


AND, spent several hours rebuilding my Nexus 7. I finally got sick and tired (those two go together so well) of it being slow and locking up frequently since it upgraded the OS to the latest Android. I got to where I did not enjoy using the damned thing. Working so much better now but I had to reinstall all my apps and passwords and such. Pain in the patootie but worth the effort. Can’t find where to turn off automatic updates though so I’ll probably have to do this again.


Other than that just not much going on. Headache finally, after 4-5 days, went away. It started sprinkling again; preparing for outright rain. All the usual chores. Took our Renter for a dump run. Made a run to the Post Office & Safeway. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net.


And that’s it. Tired.

Dec 17

Not A “Normal” Day At All

Started out with me taking SWMBO to her doctor’s appointment at the Naval Hospital and waiting around until about 1015 when she was pretty much done. I say pretty much cause I have to go back there tomorrow and pick up her meds for her. I turned my phone into a hot spot and played on the Internet for awhile. Walked around. Grabbed breakfast at the Subway in the basement. Walked around. You know; regular waiting stuff.


Dropped her off at the Ferry Landing and came on home via ACE Hardware (which is actually McLendon’s but used to be ACE). Had to get a hole drill thingie. To drill some holes.


Got my stuff moved back into “my” room. It’s pretty messy but not in the “final” configuration cause I just needed to get out of the living room. Drilled some holes in the top of the new counter tops (remember that hole drill thingie I got?) to put wires through. Computer is sitting on the counter top for now but will be mounted underneath when I make the brace I want to make. Did drill a hole through the walls to outside and put a length of pipe in and ran antenna wires through it to the radio and moved the 2-meter antenna to this side of the house; so I’m back on the air. Everything’s working as it should. I’m even impressed with that thing that does the network through the power lines; it seems to be working well.


Not much else going on around here. Kind of winding down. May have to run the MCARC 2-meter chat net tonight if KC7WNJ doesn’t show up. Payback for him running my net last Sunday.

Jan 12

Cold Saturday! Brrrr….

In case y’all can’t guess: I Hate Cold Weather! With A Passion. ALMOST as much as I hate spammers!


MCARC meeting @ 0830 so I had to be up and out of the house by 0715 so I could stop by the post office in Shelton and get the club’s mail. Meeting went well with 11 people showing up. Cool! Most of the talk was about our repeater and how to get it working as it is supposed to work. (It can get kind of scratchy with distance. Which would be normal except the distance really isn’t that distant.)


Drive to Shelton and back sure was pretty though. Cold and slickery in places but no real problem. Didn’t see any deer this trip. I just love it when they jump out in front of OTHER cars all of a sudden! (Just kidding. I don’t LOVE it…)


Just not much going on around here. Made Chicken-cordon-blu, veggies and some kind of pasta for dinner. SWMBO liked it. Now I’m just going to laze out and watch some of the programs I’ve been downloading and not getting to watch.

Been listening to the radio. Lots of traffic on 17 meters today. Heard folks from all over. Kind of cool to hear a guy in Brazil say “Konechuwa” (sp?) to someone in Japan.