Jun 01

Nice Outside Again. I Could Get Used To This!

Groucho02bNice couple of days, Wx wise. So nice yesterday I got out and mowed my neighbors yard. That’s the neighbor I like; not those I don’t like. He’s been gone for over a year, and I think he has someone that comes by to check his place and mow every so often, but they haven’t been around in awhile. Place was looking not lived in. It’s what you do to help neighbors. (Those that you like anyway. But not the neighbors-from-Hell out back.)


Did a bunch of other “stuff” too; just can’t remember what.

Today, I moved the caravan and took the whack-weeder to all the stuff that was growing up underneath it. That took awhile since it’s been awhile. Tried to start the rider-mower but the battery was/is dead. Think I forgot to turn it all the way off yesterday. My bad. I’m old. Good thing I have a 6-volt battery charger. (Which didn’t work, btw. Need to get my other charger back from out Renter.)


Started putting together another raised bed planter. Need one more cinder block in the size I’m using now to finish a 3rd. The rest will be built out of the stack of larger cinder blocks I have. Which means I’ll have to rebuild the forms. Which means I need some more 3” x 8’ boards to make new ends. Damn.

Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40. Nice out there. I really do enjoy us taking all our clothes off and going for a walk! I’ve never liked clothes though.


Anywho, the MCARC Wednesday Evening Chat Net is coming up shortly and I ought to check in to that. (It went well. Not a lot of people checked in though.)

And that’s my day. Exciting, I know.

Sep 14

Yes. I. Am. A. Whovian.

Really enjoyed this latest episode! The “new” Doctor is sometimes strange. Sometimes just plain Weird. But I think I like him. And Clara Oswald is the best Companion ever!


Pretty normal Sunday so far. Sun’s out but not shining directly on the house yet. Supposed to get up around 80 degrees so maybe I won’t have to get dressed at all today.
Still have a lot of cleaning up to do after the taping & pasting yesterday. I may or may not do that today as it is Sunday and supposed to be a day of rest. (Yeah, right!)


SWMBO brought friends home to quilt and I made dinner for us all. Corned beef & cabbage and mashed potato’s. Was yummy! Letting them take the left-over’s home cause it will not get eaten here. Normally, things sit in our fridge until they make their own gravy (whether they’re supposed to or not) before I throw it out.


And that’s about it. Just wasting time until the MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930. Guess I ought to check in this week since I am the Net Control…

Sep 05

Sunny And HOT Friday! NEAT!

Tomorrow Night!

It’s too early right now to even think. 0530 and counting. Wx Lady (MJ) says it’ll be 83 or so in Seattle today. Which means almost 90 here. Nice. Won’t be able to stay “unclothed” the entire day cause I need to make a run to Allyn. Thinking about making a Safeway run for chili makin’s too. But, other than those errands, I’m determined to enjoy the final days of summer.

And the rest of my day went as they usually do. Except SWMBO texted me to pick her up because her son was stuck in traffic in Tacoma. So I did. She had me take her to Jo Ann’s in Port Orchard so I spent some hard earned bucks at the Dollar Store.

And that’s really about it. Didn’t do anything unusual (except put clothes on to go check mail).