Although, SWMBO and I did go to the pizza party/Red Cross presentation the Olympia Amateur Radio Service Club gave us for “winning” our bet about Field Day last year last night. Met KE7PHU and others in Shelton then car-pooled down to Olympia and back. It was a nice “party” and presentation.
Didn’t get back home until just before my usual bedtime. I was so tired that I read only about an hour before falling asleep with the light on and my Kindle laying on my chest.
Speaking of my chest: Been having some pains around my heart the past couple of days. Especially when I exert myself. Think maybe I ought to go to the Naval Hospital and get myself checked out. Maybe I ought to do that tomorrow after SWMBO takes me to Taco Bell for lunch…
Not much else going on. Downloaded a program called S10 Password Vault and have been changing all my passwords at all my different sites to some ridiculously complicated passwords. Forgot that I’d have to change them in this Live Writer program. Already had to change the passwords on my phone for a couple of accounts and will probably have to do more. What a pain! Thank you spammers and hackers! We, the normal people just trying to get along, really appreciate your efforts to fuck the lot of us.
Still way too cold outside and I’m still doing my normal daily routine stuff. Both my Twilight Zone discs I got today from Netflix were broke so I’m not going to be wasting any time watching those! Hell, I may have to watch some of those tv shows I’ve been downloading the past couple of days…
Damn, I wish we had these ships now! I want so much to go to the stars and look around. Explore strange new worlds. Seek out new life. New civilizations.