Mar 12

Row Row Row Your Boat

Gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily, I’m SICK of this fookin’ Rain!

Watching "The Martian" In The Truck. Waiting On SWMBO.

Didn’t post yesterday cause, Boring! Did get to take the Dog for a tour of the back 40 but, otherwise, it was just the usual. Got to pick SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing.


Got up early and headed to Shelton for the MCARC meeting. It went well. Way too much time talking about the “new” repeater; which still isn’t up and running and “they” haven’t figured out how to program the thing yet. Talked a lot about the coming Field Day (in June). Authorized me (the Treasurer) to buy 100 hot dogs (and associated condiments) to hand out to visitors on Field Day. Somehow talked me into giving presentations on PSK31 and HamWan.

Took a bunch of pictures along South Shore Road (not it’s real name) on the way home to see how the camera would work on a trip. Not too bad.

2016-03-12 10.14.31

Date Day so SWMBO got home from the Genealogy Library and took me to the Teriyaki Chicken place in Gig Harbor. Semi-quick stop at COSTCO for some things. Our usual Safeway stop. Home.

And it’s still fookin’ raining!

Mar 09

Anyone Want To Buy A Bunch Of Laser Discs? And Player?

Note To Television Ad Folks: Showing me how much resolution your tv has over mine, on my tv, is wasted effort. Stop and think about it; I’m not going to see it. Just thought y’all ought to know.


Not a whole lot going on today. Dump run for plastics. (Dropping off. Not picking up. Nevermind.) Post Office to mail off an order for a new 146/440 antenna and pick up a Thrive order UPS was too lazy to deliver.

All while it’s raining, of course. In the past couple of weeks we’ve exceeded our Annual Average and have begun working on next year’s. I’m still expecting it to really snow sometime in the next month. A good snow. Something to stop traffic around here. (Which, honestly, would be only 1/2 an inch or so.)


Gathering all my old electronics to donate to Goodwill or Faith In Action. Lot’s of computer stuff I’ll never use (don’t know why I saved it in the first place). Couple of old 8” tv’s. Not sure what to do with my Laser Disc Player and collection of Laser Discs. (Several Thousand Dollars worth that I haven’t watched in 8-9 years or so. There’s no way I’ll ever recoup that money. And I sold my collectors copy of “Who Shot Roger Rabbit” that showed Jessica Rabbit sans underwear before I learned what it was worth.)

Big Ass Spider!

Yeah, that’s me: If I bought a movie on VHS I probably bought it on Laser Disc and then on DVD. Now I’m replacing everything on Blue Ray when I can. (Although I do look for the bargains.) All in the never-ending quest for better resolution and sound. But I do convert from .mkv to .mp4 to save space on our NAS. But the quality doesn’t seem to suffer much. Did the same with audio: 8-track to cassette to cd’s to .mp3.

MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went really well with 12 check-ins. And I managed to talk to the guys on the 900MHz Net earlier. Cool!

Think I’ll go make some Jigglers before I hit the rack.