Phone wanted to update a bunch of stuff, but didn’t have room because of all the other stuff I had on the internal storage (and extra memory card). So I spent almost an hour figuring out what I actually use, on the phone, and uninstalling those apps I just don’t really use (on the phone). Most of what I uninstalled I also have on my Nexus 7 and really only use them there. So I figure “Why have it in both places?”
Plus, if I get somewhere and really need an app, I can always reinstall it. Just don’t see that happening. Phone screen is really too small for X-Plane, SkyEye, and a couple of others. Mostly, just let me check my e-mail, calendar, and make a call if I need to. The only other thing about my phone is I purely hate those apps Google/HTC installed that won’t let me uninstall them. I rarely use Peep and never any of the games; so let me uninstall the damned things!
Not much else going on. Feeling kind of sore still so I’m going to skip bowling today. Sides, it’s supposed to get nice outside so I’ll probably just hang around the house anyway. Checked my e-mail. Got on the phone and refilled my meds. About to order some more e-juice from Mt. Baker Vapor. Bought PowerISO online. Thinking of ordering X-Plane but it’s kind of spendy. Sometimes I think places ought to sell things cheaper to us “Old” folks; we may die before the next update.
So, what did I do since I didn’t go bowling because I’m still feeling sore? Why, I got out the whack-weeder and whack-weeded what needed to be whacked-weeded. Only took 2 hours. Will look really good when I mow. Again. Damn, I’d have been better off going bowling.
It got up to 75 degrees today! Nice! My peas have sprouted! Nice! So I worked in the garden to get their climbing thingie set up. Just stayed outside as much as possible.