Feb 05

Cancelled Contract For My Self Hosted Blog & Now Can’t Post Here

Without logging on. So … This site will cease to exist this coming July. It’s just gotten too expensive for what I do. (Blog.) So … I’ll keep my wordpress and blogger blog going and HOPE I don’t offend the Powers That Be and get kicked off either.
We’ll see…
I’ve been a client of Ionos since they were 1and1 (2007?) and it getting more expensive is the only complaint I’ve had. Excellent products and excellent service.
Y’all have fun! See ya on the flip side.
Dec 27

OMG! I’m A Quest 3 Red Matter 2 Video Gaming Nerd!

And I didn’t even know it. Bought Red Matter 2 because I liked the graphics (it dropped to almost half price), and got hooked on the game. I have surprised myself multiple times by being able to figure out what to do; if not the reason for doing it at that time. And the graphics are cool!

I also spend a lot of time in the Slot Car & Plastic Army Men programs. And shooting down planes in the WWI game. And the Target Practice program. Killing Zombies in Gun Club VR. Some Table Tennis and Bowling (but not at the same time). VR tours on YoutubeVR. Those are fun.

And “FLY.” Fly uses Google Earth graphics but allows you to ‘fly’ anywhere. Left control stick is movement. Right control stick is elevation and turning. I spent over an hour today checking out all the canyons around Moab, Utah. A lot of that time was spent looking at the panorama’s Google has of just about every foot of public roads. It was a totally enjoyable hour spent ‘sitting on my ass.’

Doctor’s appointment this afternoon. He says I’m doing great physically. BP *seems* under control (128/70 for him) and I haven’t had any aFib or other serious problems in awhile. So, here’s hoping I stick around another 20-30 years. He ordered a blood test to check my potassium and a MRI to check for cancer. Standard test after quitting smoking for about 15 years. It’s been 13 (or so) for me.

Took SWMBO along and then out to the All-You-Can-Eat Chinese place in Port Orchard so I wouldn’t have to rush home and cook. Ain’t no rushing around here during Rush Hour. Just ain’t happening.

Oh, we didn’t do anything special for Christmas since it was just the two of us and we got her present a few weeks ago. We have a ‘double date’ with one of her friends and her husband tomorrow evening (they really want me and her husband to be friends; but not too close friends if you know what I mean). Then we’ve planned to do absolutely nothing for New Years Eve but cower in the basement and hope no bullets fired into the night sky comes crashing through. And they’s a LOT of bullets fired into the night sky around here.

Hope All Y’all have a Happy New Year and a great 2025!

Dec 14

It’s A Sad Sad Day When You;re Pretty Sure You Don’t Have Anything Being Delivered By Amazon.

Which I’m not sure is a comment on our Society or my life. Y’all choose.

Well, I spent the last month slowly going into the most depressive episode I’ve had a LONG time and I don’t know why. Why I started it in the first place, that is. Damned Depression will sneak up on your ass, even while you’re looking, and just bitch slap you to the stone age if possible.

SWMBO made an off-hand remark about something going on between us that, once the Depression took hold, had me delusional to the point of getting ready to move out. Ran the gambit of just being pissed/depressed to being pissed/depressed enough to leave. Not sleeping. Eating too much junk food. Just hating my life.

Self talk just wasn’t working. Pretty much nothing was working.

But, finally, last night (on date day of all things) I finally realized that I wasn’t being rational. Not a bit. Some of the things I was thinking just couldn’t be.

So I told SWMBO what was going on with me. She took it well. Said she’d noticed that I was being weird.

And we worked it out. I feel pretty good today; but I got over 2 hours in a row sleep and fell asleep wrapped in her arms.

Very little is better than that to/for me.

But I am upset that all the ‘tools’ I’ve learned to use for my Depression didn’t really work and it took me so long to recognize what was happening. It really came on slow this time. I recognize the instant mood changes but not this.

I feel sorry for SWMBO. We’re at 38 years in 6 days with who knows how many more staring her in the face. Poor girl.

Anywho: Been simmering a pot of chili for 3 days now. It tastes great! Will make some cornbread and we’ll be having the chili with it for dinner.

Trying some new bean recipes prepping them for freeze drying. Want to have “instant’ beans in the pantry/food storage. So I’m soaking pinto, lima, navy, and small red beans (in separate jars) and will pressure pot them tomorrow and give them a try. And the winner is:

Rain & Wind today. Rained so hard my security cam picked it up. Dog still wants to go for a walk. Bye, Dog.

Anyway, just checking in. It’s winter time (part of the problem) so just not much going on.

Dec 05

Just Found … Getting Cold Around Here!

Pretty sure it’s a joke? Maybe? <BG>

And, yep, getting cold so me and the Dog are staying in more.

My friend in Pennsylvania (thank you, spell check) and I “met” in the WWI battleplane thingie on the quest 3 and set up a “death something” room where everyone kills everyone else (different WWI fighters). We were there to learn and a (person} that called ‘himself’ Socom joined us and KICKED OUR ASSES! I don’t know what he was flying (a tri-wing) but he was FAST. Killed me way more times than I managed to kill him.

It was cool!

We’ll be going back. After a bit more practice.