As much as possible. Took down that antenna I worked so hard to put up yesterday. Rewired it and put it back up. Still haven’t had a chance to test it; but I will.
All the usual watering. All my pea plants have flowers on them! And I have a butt-ton of blue berries that are about to turn colors. Some of the cherry tomato plants have flowers on them as well. Cool!
All the usual chores done until they need to be re-done. Tomorrow, as usual. Made myself my version of tuna salad for dinner; and that was good.
Painted some more of the back fence. Got about a third left to go and about a third of a can of paint. Hoping it’ll make it.
Not much else going on. Played with X-Plane and FSX awhile. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net went well. That new radio is really working well for KG7EOU!
That’s it. That’s my life. The only major decisions I have yet to make are: 1) should I stop by COSTCO and get that dashcam we saw when we last went there, or, 2) should I invest in the new Vape gear I’ve been meaning to get? Could do both and get that 2-meter/440 radio at the end of the month.
I know! Everybody’s lives should be so hard!