Not that my Lovely-Young-Bride of almost 30 years has made us (over the years) both Winter & Summer Quilts. No, far from it. What bother’s me, what really yanks my chain, is that I live somewhere where we actually USE something called a “Summer” Quilt. This Old Southern California Man has a real problem reconciling those two words into one coherent thought; much less using them in one sentence. Summer Quilt. Damn!
Not too much has been happening around here since our wind storm a couple of days ago. Pretty much SSDD. Dog and I made a tour of the back-40 and found (as you can see in the picture above) that we’d lost part of one of the Alder’s. It broke pretty high up and looks dangerous to mess with so I’ll probably just leave it there until it’s dry enough to cut up.
Pretty cold and frosty out there this morning. Guess we ought to get used to that for the next couple of months. Supposed to be the chance of snow flurries next Tuesday. We’ll see. Personally, I’m expecting snow the first week of December this year. We’ll see about that also. (Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong about it. But I have been more right than wrong over the past several years.)
Really haven’t done much today; for some reason. Too cold, I think. Probably just another excuse to be lazy but that’s the way the Retirement Cookie Crumbles. At least the usual chores are done. Roughed the Dog up some cause he was feeling ignored. Got dinner started. (Slow roasted pork chop. Baked tater. Veggies.) Couple of other things around the house that I’ve been meaning to do; but nothing real strenuous or anything.
Well, at least I get to pick my lovely young bride up this evening. Supposed I ought to take the Dog along and get him out of the house for a few. Lucky Dog!
Just heard on the radio a report that in Bremerton, near the Warren Avenue Bridge, there is a naked male, pleasuring himself. All I can say is: Glad I quit drinking. SWMBO cringed when I mention that that guy was going to milk it for all it’s worth.
That’s it. Y’all have a nice one!